Turbo problem need advice

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Turbo problem need advice

Post by joeh »

Please help!

I have 330 6BTA's . They were just serviced in the spring by a good cummins mechanic and I had the aftercoolers serviced. I do some maintainence but have not messed with the raycors yet.

I put the anti algea stuff in pretty religously but may have slacked a little with low usage this spring. It ran like a champ after getting it serviced, bottom scraped etc.

Now it takes forever to accelerate and for the turbos to kick in. Is this a fual problem? Where should I start? Thanks on advance, i am learning the desiels as I go and trying to save on mechanics.

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In Memory of Vicroy
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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

First, remove the air cleaners and see if the turbo blades spin freely by hand. If they are stuck or stiff, shoot them with Corrosion X and work them free. If they do spin freely, then check the hose clamps on the hose from the turbo to the aftercooler (mechanic may not have tightened them good, they will work loose and let turbo air escape).

Assuming the engines blow a good bit of black smoke when they are trying to spool up, its an air problem, not a fuel problem. Check condition of air cleaners, or test run the engines with the air clearners off.

If not a lot of black smoke, then maybe a fuel restriction problem, usually the Racors.

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JP Dalik
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Post by JP Dalik »

What Vic said.

Had the port side lagging behind the stbd a little bit late last year, not bad just took a little longer than normal.
Removed the air filter and found a loose clamp (yeah that one slipped by after the service) at the cooler. Every once in a while during spool up the engine would lug a little then off she'd go like a dream, once it was spooled up there was enough boost to keep her going.
That little clamp made a big difference.
Also had the hoses blow off the old 671's from time to time, there was no missing that smoke trail.

Black smoke ='s lots of fuel no air most of the time.

Good Luck

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