Imron Question from Bermuda

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Bermuda Brother
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Imron Question from Bermuda

Post by Bermuda Brother »

Hi Guys, I am planning to spray my project with Imron paint which the brothers have always raged about. I did my 25 with it 5 years ago and it still looks great. Has this paint been altered at since that time? Is it still just a good as it was? What is the best Imron to ask for these days?

Also, and this is critical: I can't get this stuff locally in Bermuda anymore so will have to import it. I would appreciate the contacts for any distributers of imron which must also have to capability to match colours preferably on the East coast.

Need your help on this one too.

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Post by Goodgrief »

Great choice, I painted my 31 nine years ago. It still looks great! I have also maintaned a 65 Hat. for the past 20 years. That Imeron paint job lasted tell two years ago out side in Seattle and still looked great, but it was wearing through from all the polishing. My 31 is in a boat house, I am thinking about waxing it this year, it's been about four years since I waxed the bridge.
Bermuda Brother
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Post by Bermuda Brother »

hey guys I really need a contact for reliable distributor anyone know any?

Let me know,

Bermuda Brother
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Post by Bermuda Brother »

Actually, before I get too gung ho I was reading about Imron on the Dupont site and it looks like they might have "dumbed down" this paint for emissions standards. Is this paint still as good as it used to be? Anyone had recent recent experience with the new stuff? is it still better than Awlgrip?

Which line is best the Imron 700 or the Fleetline?

Gots to know if I should still use this stuff!!
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