phoenix windshield installation

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bob lico
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phoenix windshield installation

Post by bob lico »

the composite windshield is installed and i just have to put finishing touches on outside seams (glass tape and small amount of fairing).i put the windshield into place and it was out a mile in every direction so i disregarded the bottom seam except for a 1" x 4" about 2' long bolted to the combing to prevent the bottom of the windshield from walking foward as i epoxy the top seam.i hated doing it but i install 6 screws equal spaced along the finish top rail of inside windshield after removing gel cote along top and bottom seam.i came up with a new battle plan after seeing any application of thicken epoxy would run out the seam and create a air void.i taped the inside top joint and then mixed my "granite brew of epoxy" that is equal amounts of collodal silica and high density filler until mayo. consistacy then i add small pieces of chpped cloth.i then dumped this into a empty cartridge.before i pump into top seam i taped along seam and use a phillip screw driver to punch a hole every 4".i pump into these holes until brew leaks out front-----top seam done.
bottom seam looked hopeless so i started from center and used 1/4" 316 ss lag bolt and washer from inside cabin v-berth ceiling.i used the port-a - power to move the windshield to my bolt pattern every 5" .the windshield exactly conformed to the upward line of the boats coaming so no fairing would have to be done.then i follow the same procedure and pumped the epoxy along the entire seam from the outside thru the holes in the tape.i pumped it until the tape on the inside bulged forming a nice clean seam.i did not raised the bridge or damage the finish paint except the seam line on the outside,here are the pictures;


thank you capt. patrick for giving me the confidence to go ahead with this project.----came out beautiful what can i new side windows with a little variation from your frames.can`t wait to screw with those 500dollar spray guns------ugh!!!
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Post by CaptPatrick »


Glad to see your successes! I know just what you've gone through and it ain't fun, but the finished prodcuct will be worth the effort.

Keep us posted on the progress...


Raybo Marine NY
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Post by Raybo Marine NY »

granite brew of epoxy" that is equal amounts of collodal silica and high density filler until mayo. consistacy then i add small pieces of chpped cloth.

they make something for that- chopped fibers, heavier, short strand fibers great to mix with resins.

now the real test will come when you run the boat, worse case if a seam starts to have some slight cosmetic cracks is you apply a nice bead of caulking.
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Post by bob lico »

robbie i am not going to use any caulk what so ever.the windshield to combing joint is first epoxy as i mention above,incidently that seam is so good it is only 1/16" recess.the next step is 2" tape set in unthicken epoxy,minor fairing with epoxy/microlight conbination.the granite brew is my own opinon,when totally cured it seams to me to be the stongest of any combinations of epoxy additives.i know it is the hardest to sand,i use the 2" right angle air grinder with screw on 3m# 36 grit disc. as a test tool and that combination of epoxy feels like granite!next major job i will buy that chopped fiber,making your own with a sissor is time consuming.
we have so rather cold weather coming stay warm-------bob
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Post by Raybo Marine NY »

so you are going to grind and glass the seam?
if your going to do that use real fiberglass not just paste.
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Post by gplume »

Bob - Sexy. Can't wait to see the results of your handy work...hopefully at the rendevous this summer. Looks like you have a nice warm place to the heck out of my shrinkwrap "teepee".

All the best - Giff
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