The legend continues

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The legend continues

Post by davidms »

For you guys who fish offshore and have come through some snotty weather, this may sound kind of ho-hum, but for me it was confirmation whether it was a good idea to buy a 31 or not.

Yesterday was a pretty windy day here on Eastern LI. My wife and I wanted to go for what may be the last boat ride of the season. So, off we went for a ride to around Shelter Island to visit friends. Winds were 20 kts or so, tide had just started to fall. The bay was a little choppy but it was a easy ride because we were in a following sea. Went through a channel between Cedar Point and Mashomack Preserve that when the tide running can get interesting. Got in the lee of Shelter and of course the water was flat. Spent a couple of hours with our friends...time to go home.

The wind had picked up and by now, the tide was running. Made our way past Sag Harbor and head back toward Cedar Pt, and now winds 25+kts blowing against a strong out going tide. Wow! 6ft waves, maybe 7ft and couple that were bigger than that were in the channel. Once we were in it, there was no turning around. We kept the trim tabs down so we would go into the waves intead of pounding (like you guys taught us on the trim tab thread). My wife was not loving this ride home and our friends had offered to let us keep the boat at their dock if we were nervous about the ride home (I convinced her that we would be fine).

Lots of water in the cockpit, waves breaking on the bow...It was uncomfortable for about 20 minutes until we got close to the enterance of our harbor. I was not worried about whether the boat could take it. I was only worried about whether my wife would ever go for another ride. Finally, we are back in the harbor and my wife turns to me and says "you know, I hated every minute that we were in that channel, but this boat can really handle rough water. I am glad that we weren't out there in some other boat."

For you guys who have owned 31s for years, you are probably so used to doing what we did yesterday that it's just another day on the boat. But for newcomers to the Flock of the Faithful, we got to witness the boat doing what everybody said it would do. That was impressive!

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Post by Dug »

I literally just finished typing the description of my trip to Montauk on Saturday and lost it when I pressed the wrong button. It was a story with many similarities.

If I get the patience back, I may type it again, but it was a long one.

But you are right, they are awesome boats.

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Post by Capt. DQ »

The B31 will take more than YOU! can stand and I'm for one glad of it. Been there & done it.

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Post by Dug »

Lets just suffice to say that I have taken green water over my bow in the past.

I have never taken green water to the extent that it went back off the boat over the bow the way it came on, before. that was a new experience!

Unbelievable! And that happened multiple times!

Spray like a firehose on constant.

Bob and Walter, your boats both look great!!!!!

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Post by randall »

heres a shot of the entrance to our little harbor when the wind is howling yesterday..(this is 3 miles from cedar point)..the bay was a challenge ....congrats....welcome to bertram world

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Post by mike ohlstein »


Most of already know that little trick. It's how we manage to get the wife to not want to come along next time.

Sorry it didn't work for you ;-)
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Post by Tony Meola »


Thats why after living with the same boat for 32 years I find it hard to find another boat that will compare to it. Wet yes, but they always bring you home Tony Meola
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Post by Charlie J »

solved that problem a few years back comming back from block
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Brewster Minton
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Post by Brewster Minton »

I took my wife on a death ride and now she always thinks that its calm.
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Post by randall »

caren wanted a boat that would handle anything any time in the bay and you could hose out and go home....and she got it
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