Jason- Glad you finally made it happen, a mini Bertram rendevous in the Raritan. It figures this was the only day over the weekend I didn't bring someone else to see your boat and my pictures do not do her justice.
Your boat looks amazing!
The kids must have had a blast catching some nice-sized fish on light tackle in great conditions.
The fishing this weekend was incredible, great conditions and the fish cooperated.
Neil- From what I heard the fishing earlier in the season was all Big fish with no keepers during the week. I was stuck at work with reports coming in all day from friends...UGh. I'm not sure what is worse, not being able to get out or hearing about great catches. Maybe making my way out after the bite, getting tossed around and not catching much. Whatever, its all good if I get out and back.
Lately, the size seems to have come down to keepers with a couple of nice size here and there. Saturday we had a few small fish in the mix, they looked so odd being small. All good, a nice way to close up the year.
This week I think it's going to be it for me...Fishing is great, but I have work piling up and I know that weather is going to turn and stay cold.
Yes, mine is the same Express style as Bob's boat. I was able to meet him and see his boat "Frayed Knot" at the Greenpoint Rendevous. I think it was a little after he put small block 350s in to replace the big block motors. He was really happy with the performance of those motors. Lighter and comparable HP...just less torque which he thought kinda of evened out with fewer trips to the fuel dock. I had seriously thought about going in that direction.
Here are a few pics of Jasons' boat- Sorry, my pictures are not as good as Jasons'. When he was close I was busy reeling and resetting.