Shaft Flange Removal

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Shaft Flange Removal

Post by Midastouch73 »

Im attempting to install my dripless shaft seals but I'm having the damndest time trying to remove the flange from the prop shaft. Does anyone have any insight on how to remove them?
1972 Bertram 31 " THE OLD BROAD "
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Re: Shaft Flange Removal

Post by Carl »

Start by spraying penetrating oil on bolts and set screw a day or so ahead if possible.

Loosen set screw...

Remove coupling bolts

Place a socket between couplings that is slightly under shaft size and using longer bolts or studs draw the couplings together clamping each bolt in criss cross pattern. As couplings are drawn together the socket between the two pushes the shaft out.

Don't go crazy supertightening as bolts can deform coupling.
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Re: Shaft Flange Removal

Post by pschauss »

I used a flange puller from Buck-Algonquin. The center bolt on that puller has a coarse thread so it won’t give you much leverage. I attached the puller to the flange with fine threaded bolts, leaving about a half inch gap between the puller and the flange with the center bolt on the puller taking up the slack. Then I tightened the four fine-threaded bolts as much as I could and hit the aft end of the flange with a hammer. The flange moved enough so that I could put another half turn or so on each of the four nuts.

I repeated the process until the flange came off.

Using the flange puller here allows you to apply impact to the flange without the danger of damage to your transmission.
Peter Schauss
1978 B31 SF (BERG 1727M781-314)
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