moving up to a 46

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moving up to a 46

Post by saburke17 »

Hey Guys, Exploring moving up to 46.6. Wife and 2 kids want more room and we take the outlaws and nephews out a lot. Were there different version of that original hull? like the 38 had the MK 1,2 & 3. I know they stopped making them for a few years and then 95 i think they redesigned the hull. Also what's the deal with the 32-24 and 12 volt system in one boat? I've checked the site and haven't found much and everything online is just 46's for sale

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Re: moving up to a 46

Post by Tony Meola »


I don't remember what they did with it when they remodeled it but the original 46 was a great boat. See if this link helps you out. ... am-46.html
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Re: moving up to a 46

Post by Yannis »

The 46.6 was a ship with aft cabin.
Was it iterated into fb too, or was the 46 the fb?

The go to person for this kind of q is Tommy.
1973 B28 FBC/2007 4LHA STP's - "Phantom Duck" - Hull "BER 00794 1172"
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Re: moving up to a 46

Post by Tony Meola »


I might be wrong, but I think the 46.6 was one of the newer models built. Originally it came in the Convertible model which was used mostly for fishing and then the Motor Yacht model without the cockpit. The Cockpit became an aft Cabin.

Actually I believe Bertram referred to the old 46 as the 46 S1 and the updated model as the 46 S2.

I am not sure at what year Bertram redid them. I do know there were some built under Ferretti that had a lot of issues. That is the model I would not touch. Ferretti Purchased Bertram in 1998 and sold it in 2015.

I did find this if this helps everyone:

The original Bertram 46 went through three versions from the early 1970s until 1988
when it was discontinued.

Then, it was revived for three years from 1995 to ’97 and stopped again. In 2000, under the management and ownership of the Ferretti Group,
the new 450 was introduced which had about the same displacement as this old Bertram 46 but carried a 14’11” beam, 13” less than the old Bertram.
Bertram 46/450 Pricing
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Re: moving up to a 46

Post by Tommy »

Yes, what Tony said.

Bertram 46.6 SF (Early Model; 1971 - 1987): LOA 46'6" / Beam 16' / Wt 44,900#

Bertram 46 SF (1995 - ?): LOA 46'3" / Beam 15'1" / Wt 46,100#

Bertram 46 Moppie / Express Model: (1993 - ?): LOA 46' )" / Beam 14'11" / Wt 42,000#

Sean, I love the classic lines of the original B-46 SF, and enjoyed fishing on one in the Abacos many years ago.
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Re: moving up to a 46

Post by Todd Pearce »

to my knowledge the early to 1988 46,6 is roughly the same boat, the later 93 -96 is an updated version produced around the same time as the new 37 and is of the same series as the 37,
Check out David Pascoe`s web site , he seems quite knowledgeable, and writes some good articles, i rebuild my 42 , and often think i should have chosen a 46,6 ,for the extra room, In 1985 they did a facelift which brought in the use of a proper teak interior which mine has, I restored mine and its beautiful, so i would look at the post 84/85 boats to get this, its well worth it and the quality of the materials is awesome
pm me if youd like some photos and info on the interior works, it was a lot of work but truely worth it
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Re: moving up to a 46

Post by John Nardi »

Sean fished a bunch of 46s Absolutely a great blue water boat....There are a bunch of them for sale down in South Florida Have a buddy who has 2 of them Not sure if he sold them but could ask Most of the late 70s where a bit slow 18-20 loaded w 871 TIs
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