12v plugs

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12v plugs

Post by Yannis »

Up to now I have 12v car lighter type sockets throughout the boat.

I’m thinking I should install some 12v USB type sockets to charge phones, pads, speakers etc, but I don't know how to do the connections.
Im thinking to install 2 USB A and 2 USB C sockets, somewhere on the hanging locker, so that there be availability of charging for various devices simultaneously. Without the need of the transformer part of the devise cable and without having to use the inverter.

I only have one 12v cable that goes in that area.
Do I need to draw more cables from the panel, one for each USB socket, or is there a way to couple this one single cable to a multi USB socket thingy that will do the job?
Also, thinking type of socket, are USB A and C the ones I should be intending to install, or are there other types more common or better?
As you might have already understood my electric/electronics skills are second to none!
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Re: 12v plugs

Post by Stephan »

I believe the USB outlets that I have installed in my boat are 12 volts input but output 5 volts and combined will not draw more than 2.5 amps.
I have one in the area you describe. I had an interior lighting wire nearby and it was oversized for the job so I just tied into that.
If your USB sockets are like mine (https://www.defender.com/product.jsp?id=2756344) I believe any circuit that can take an additional 2.5 amps of load will do the job for you.
I chose USB A as it most useful for my family's needs.
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Re: 12v plugs

Post by CamB25 »


You might be able to daisy-chain on that single 12v feed. USBs are low current draw. What size is the wire?

Here are some examples:
https://newwiremarine.com/product-categ ... -chargers/

I don't know what the difference is between USB A, B, or Z...
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Re: 12v plugs

Post by Carl »

CamB25 wrote: Jan 19th, '21, 16:57 I don't know what the difference is between USB A, B, or Z...

Oh...USB is in its own area of dumb and dumber!

It blows away the 5/4 and 2x4 lumber, forget plumbing sizes- - USB is in its own class of stupid dumb.

I have adopted the stance of stick it in and see what ya got...works, slow fast or not at all.

If not at all..throw something, grab another and try again.

It's most data transmission speed having little effect on charging...but I'm most likely wrong. It's free info and not worth the price.
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Re: 12v plugs

Post by Charlie J »

but carl is it equivalent to 10 mm socket
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Re: 12v plugs

Post by Yannis »

Much obliged guys.

Stephan, you made me think of this: A normal car type socket receives 12v and gives out 12v, whereas a USB socket receives 12v and distributes 5v. This 5v is good for charging i phones, i pads etc, but is NO good for my nearby full sine 250w inverter, which, in order for it to produce the 220v necessary for some of my appliances (radio, waterpick, pc...) needs a 12v source.
Therefore, if my reasoning is correct, while any USB A socket will serve my phone and i pad charging needs, I will still need a car type socket for my inverter for my other needs. So I will need both car type and USB A sockets! Right?

Cam, my cables are flat white marine cables that my electrician installed everywhere during my rewiring. I cant be more specific unfortunately!
USB A is the usual USB size, USB C is smaller, which as my son explained to me is good for newer devices, such as newer i phones, I believe he said newer than the 7 or 8 generation. There are also the micro USB and perhaps even more types, that’s why I asked which one is better or more useful.

Carl, you're right, this USB type discussion is yet better than the 5/4 lumber one, hands down!

Charlie, except for different voltage (220 vs 110) we also have different sockets, plugs etc. Now, if you add to this their measuring in either mm or inches, you're in for a thoroughly entertaining session about standards and norms that can blow everyone’s mind.

So, what I gather from all this is that I will need a car type socket PLUS some extra USB sockets, probably A and maybe C.
Can I branch out my single flat wire into all of these or will I need extra cables from the panel?

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Re: 12v plugs

Post by HotSpot »


How about a USB adaptor that inserts into the existing cigarette outlet? No need to rewire. Some are really low profile and look just like dedicated usb outlets.

For the next usb update in a few years, just snap in a new adapter of the latest type and you’re all set. Plus, if cigarettes are ever in vogue again, you will be ahead of the game. :-D
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Re: 12v plugs

Post by Yannis »


I do have a few of those adapters. They always seem to either stop working, or they take ages to charge, perhaps they're not 5v.
Also, friends who use them seem to like them very much or they unplug them and take them away by mistake!
Besides, I don't need to rewire, I am in the process of finishing the new version of my hanging locker and the old cig socket broke in the dismantling, so I will put new sockets anyway.
Oh well, I thought I could suddenly become top modern in electronics with those USB additions! A point of reference in electronics evolution of some sort... hahaha.
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Re: 12v plugs

Post by CamB25 »

Assuming your fuse or circuit breaker is sized correctly for the flat white cable you have, you can install as many as you want until the breaker trips or the fuse blows. Then back off by one device.
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