Replacement Strut

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Marshall Mahoney
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Replacement Strut

Post by Marshall Mahoney »

My starboard strut is bent. I may be able to bend in back, but looking for a replacement... I searched the site and can't determine for sure the angle -- is 15deg correct? Does anyone have the other dimensions? I have an e-mail into Hightide Marine for a quote. Are there any other suppliers (Bluewater Yacht Sales, Propeller Depot etc.)?

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Re: Replacement Strut

Post by Reelcrazy »

I believe the struts were made by Buck Algonquin in NJ
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Re: Replacement Strut

Post by John Swick »

Hi Marshall,
Find a propeller repair shop in your area.
They usually do struts and shafts too, and can advise if they're NFG.
They should also be able to source replacement products.
Good luck,
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Re: Replacement Strut

Post by Carl »

I believe ReelCrazy is correct about Buck Algonquin making the Struts, but I believe they are made for HighTide so you would have to go through them.

Older 1:1 gas boats had 10 degree, I believe all others are the 15 degree.

If not bent bad, the struts can often be straightened. But I always warn customers some casting do not like being bent and will crack. It is one of those times you don't' know what is going to happen till you try and straighten. Last one I did was a buddies boat. The bad one I straightened and thought I was home free. Then till I started on the other strut with only a light bend. I started applying pressure...go to a couple tons and it just started moving, pressure dropped as it cracked.
Marshall Mahoney
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Re: Replacement Strut

Post by Marshall Mahoney »

Thanks for the replies. Still have not heard back from Hightide... Will have to give them a call next week.
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Re: Replacement Strut


While having my 31 Bert hauled to paint the bottom and apply propspeed we discovered that I have a significant crack in the port strut that runs horizontally in the barrel. It runs 3/4 of the length of the barrel. The yard said that the barrel on my existing strut is very thin. They think when the boat was repowered with Yanmar 315's in 2002 they probably bored the old struts to an 1 1/2 and the original was 1 3/8. They are unable to find a matching strut and their suggestion is replace both struts with matching struts which a agree since the starboard is thin like the port. Would appreciate anyones thoughts on the replacement. Also when they quoted me the man hours to pull the old struts and replace the new struts it blew my mind. Does someone have a feel how many man hours to remove and replace a pair of struts and the price of a pair of struts from Buck.
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Re: Replacement Strut

Post by Carl »

Like everything else in this world it depends.

To pull prop, unbolt the old strut, slide off the old strut. Clean and prep bottom for new. Slide on a New "Exact Matching Strut", spot and drill holes. Silicone and bolt in, replace prop.

It is about an hour or two.

Now comes the part when the "Exact Matching Strut" is not exactly an exact match, and they rarely are.
One may need to do any of the following, a combination or if Murphy is really pissed all with a few hiccups tossed in.

-You need to shim and realign the motor.
- - A simple bump and move is hampered as mounts are frozen, no adjustment is shaft rubs in the log.

-Holes are predrilled, but not quite in the right spot.
- - glass and move holes

-Strut can be shimmed, but chockfast is a better alternative.
- - if you have and been around it...not a big deal. Fit and dam, pour and come back tomorrow.

-The strut backing pad is not up to being reused.
- - wanna do it right or quick?

-Bolts for strut need to be replaced...
- - another day, Red label

-The bolts you already bought to replace are not the right ones.
- - of course, they are not, why would they be?

So a couple of hour job can easily be the better part of a day or longer.

I only recall hearsay on strut cost, not worth repeating. If HighTide is closed...consider asking Buck to step in and help you get going. Normally, they should not...but in these times.
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Re: Replacement Strut

Post by Tony Meola »


You forgot one other thing, They used 5200 when the put the strut back up. UGH! Add another couple of hours to remove that stuff.
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Re: Replacement Strut


Carl and Tony thanks for the responses and the information. I am sure "Murphy" will be with me every step of this project as I have never had a simple and smooth project. It's a boat. The boat was already at Jarrett Bay Boatworks for the repairs. Several weeks ago I hit a submerged cable in the ICW . I guess some tugboat decided he needed to discard a broken cable over the side to get it out of his way. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. That cable destroyed the starboard prop,caused a leak in the shaft log and finished off the torsion coupling. Murphy was right by my side all the way and as luck would have it the only way to get the transmission out and do the repair was to remove the engine. Expensive piece of litter over the side. Again Carl and Tony thanks for your thoughts as it is always nice to have some information of what I might expect in replacing struts.
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Re: Replacement Strut

Post by John Swick »

I'll bet you're into ~$2000 a side just for the strut and strut bearing (parts) and at least 5hrs aside in labour.
No way replacing 45yr old running gear is going to match up without shimming at the struts and an engine alignment.
If the backing plates need work...+25% to the labour figures(?).

Plan for the worst and hope for the best.
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They always come back to haunt you.
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Re: Replacement Strut


John thanks for the response. I will let you know the breakdown when I get the final tab (including the bar tab).
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Re: Replacement Strut

Post by Carl »

John Swick wrote:
Plan for the worst and hope for the best.
Sorry, I hate sugar coatings.
They always come back to haunt you.

I'm not a fan of sugar coating either...

But I think it is important to understand there are two different realities.

The one that lives inside many customers' minds where parts are in stock at the local store, a perfect match, and simply replaced.

Then comes the reality that nothing is at the local store, few things are a perfect match and nothing is simply replaced.

I like to tie the two together.
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Re: Replacement Strut

Post by Tony Meola »

If you have to replace the struts and if the strut pads have not been replaced now is the time to do it. I attached a link on offsetting the strut to clear the rudder so you do not need to drop the rudder to get the shaft out.
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Re: Replacement Strut


you are right on the money. The price of the struts and shipping for the pair was $3452 including shipping. No labor at this point. These were
new and 1 1/2 inch. It will be interesting to see how many hours of labor it takes to remove and replace. Thanks for your comment earlier. I had no idea what to expect. It is always nice to have an idea of what the damage might be ahead of time.
Marshall Mahoney
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Re: Replacement Strut

Post by Marshall Mahoney »

Where did you end up buying the struts???
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Re: Replacement Strut

Post by Whaler1777 »

I have a set of struts available. Wish I would’ve known I would have saved you a few bucks..
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Re: Replacement Strut


The boat is at Jarrett Bay Beaufort NC. They are doing the work. I understand they purchased the struts from HiTide Marine out of Hendersonville NC. Captain John I wish I had of known about your used struts. Siempre Algo(it's always something)
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Re: Replacement Strut

Post by Rapscallion »

Hey Capt. John, I see the saga of SALTY SATO and the strut debacle. I unfortunately find myself in a similar situation with the port strut for my 1970 31 FBC - RAPSCALLION. Do you have any idea of how likely one of yours would be a match? I assume yours are set for 1-3/8" shafts? Mine have been bored as were SALTY SATO bit I can have that done in local shop. What do you want for your strut(s) and where are you located. Thank you. Lin Spears AKA RAPSCALLION
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Re: Replacement Strut


I will call you later this afternoon to discuss the situation. The struts are at Jarrett Bay Boatworks ( Morehead City)-Beaufort so therefore you might want to just pick them up as shipping can be pricey. My struts were 1 3/8 and bored to 1 1/2 which probably caused the strut to crack.
First of all the price is right--free- if you can use the good one other one is probably a door stop. I do not know the specs on them such as the angle but were probably the original struts. When the boat was repowered in 2002 they bored it to 1 1/2 and installed the Yanmar 315.
Look forward to speaking with you.
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