Off Topic -- Windows 10

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Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by CaptPatrick »

Like many other MS Windows users, I waited for the release of Win10 and debated daily for over 6 months as to whether or not I would install it once the time came. Based on most of the reviews I had read and a couple of not so computer savvy neighbors who had installed it a few days earlier, I went ahead and installed it on July 30th.

Windows 10 after 2 weeks:

Zero problems downloading and installing.
Length of time for download ~1 1/2 hours (after midnight, computer idle)
Length of time to install was about 2 hours
Tweaking settings & testing personal software compatibility, about 1 hour
Problems since settings changes have been nonexistent.
First automatic Win10 update, (early this morning), changed my browser default from IE11 to Windows Edge. Under 1 minute to change default back to IE11. Edge might be a bit faster and looks somewhat like Google Chrome. Doesn't impress me...

Overall, on a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being the best), my feeling about Win10 is pretty close to a 10... Microsoft finally hit a home run.


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Re: Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by Carl »

Thank you...I have been considering Win10 for awhile now as I really can't hang onto XP much longer.

7 was OK, but never saw the point of changing over...

8 we have on home PC...nobody will use it unless they want to be frustrated so its Ipads or laptops at the house.

Guess I'll be ordering a new computer with Win10.
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Re: Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by Rawleigh »

I will let others make sure it is debugged before I change.
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Re: Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by John Swick »

That's good to know Patrick.
Thanks for sharing.

Coincidently my book keeper came to me yesterday and asked when we were going to upgrade to W10.
I responded, only when we absolutely have to and no sooner.
Our BMS people haven't brought it up, so no news is good news.
I got that funny, 'you're such a caveman' look ....

"computers are the devils work" and "the enemy of good is better" really gets them (the BMS people) going too.
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Re: Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by Carl »

John Swick wrote:That's good to know Patrick.
Thanks for sharing.

Coincidently my book keeper came to me yesterday and asked when we were going to upgrade to W10.
I responded, only when we absolutely have to and no sooner.
Our BMS people haven't brought it up, so no news is good news.
I got that funny, 'you're such a caveman' look ....

"computers are the devils work" and "the enemy of good is better" really gets them (the BMS people) going too.

I couldn't agree more.

I hate changing for the sake of changing...even worse if you find yourself going from a trouble free stable platform to a quirky OS plagued with issues.
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Re: Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by CaptPatrick »

Win10 is, so far, proving just as stable as XP, Vista, & Win7 for me. Like I said, the upgrade from Win7 was painless. I never experienced the grief of Win8.x, but from I've heard from all of those who did have Win8.x, Win10 is a no brainer...

One of the software programs I use is the archaic Eudora 8, (last issue over 15 years ago), and Win10 runs it just like XP, Vista, & Win7. Same with Photo Impact, Kaspersky Total Security, and Malwarebytes.

Win10 is still available as a free upgrade from Microsoft to Win7 and Win8.x


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Re: Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by Carl »

Captain pat, you lost me with Vista...that was a horrible OS for me.

This last system I paid $250 for the XP-Pro Downgrade...Yep, Vista was so bad Microsoft actually offered a downgrade option that you had to pay for. Which I willingly did.
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Re: Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by CaptPatrick »

Yeah, Carl, I was not overly happy with Vista myself, but had fairly few problems during the 7 years I was running it.


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Re: Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by IRGuy »

I was talking with a computer tech this morning and he said that there is a rumor, only a rumor, computer owners who upgrade to Windows 10 will be able to use it free for 12 months, and then Microsoft will charge some annual fee so we can continue using it. He cautioned that this is only a rumor, so take it for what it is worth.
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Re: Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by CaptPatrick »

I find it hard to believe that rumor. Kind'a like the rumor about Algore running for president again...


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Re: Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by Carl »

Think I used Vista for a week before buying a copy of XP on Ebay. Like ME, another Microsoft release that was plagued with issues, I found not a day went by I didn't have computer locking up. Funny, I forgot about those two versions...

I often wonder how they test those programs...I don't do that much with the computer...yeah, some 3D graphics for CAM rendering...but far from cutting edge and my video card deals with the burden.

Whatever...I am setting my bar at "I'll be happy if it is As Good as XP"
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Re: Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by CaptPatrick »

"I'll be happy if it is As Good as XP"
It's at least that good. Probably a lot better. I haven't run XP in close to 8 years. Visually there's a difference with Win10 , but still basically the Windows classic view, but with a streamlined interface. Takes a few days to get used to, but nothing that should throw you for a loop.

I'm sure that the day will come that I find something to bitch about Win10, but so far no complaints...


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Re: Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by IRGuy »

About 6 months ago I bought a new Lenovo notebook with Windows 8.1. Love the computer, hate 8.1!

When Microsoft announced they would be offering free upgrades to Win 10 I put my name on the waiting list. Since then Lenovo offered their own version of Win 10. My computer tech says to wait a few months until the initial bugs are discovered in Microsoft's version, but when I do download Win 10 to download Lenovo's offering since if I need help I can go directly to Lenovo instead of Microsoft.

That being said, I am very much relieved to read of your experience Capt Patrick.. I am no computer whiz, and I have been looking forward to the upgrade with some degree of fear.
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Re: Off Topic -- Windows 10

Post by CaptPatrick »


As with anything I do, including computers, I consider myself a highly skilled novice...

I've been in a love/hate relationship with Microsoft since Win95 first came out. It's been a long 20 yr road since my Packard Bell 133Mhz and dialup 56k modem, and many of cuss words have be directed toward Microsoft. I tried Apple for a while and just didn't like the graphic interface or the lack of intuitive controls and function. I'm the only Microsoft user in my fairly large family, which is fitting for my black sheep roll.

Neither Apple or Microsoft do everything completely right and there'll be plenty of challenges and upgrades in the future for both. That's been the way of the Digital Revolution since the late fifties.

Funny and a bit scary just how fast the world has evolved in the last few years alone... Who'd have thunk it?


Molon labe
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