walter mkaprelian's 31 blue beard

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walter mkaprelian's 31 blue beard

Post by bobfioresi »

Walters boat has sold and is being container shipped to west Africa this week . It will be used as a transport boat to take people out to an island called, I believe Bam , approx. 100 miles off of west Africa where the new owner has a 42 and 45 sport fishing boat which is rigged for blue marlin fishing. The new owner is building a 2 million dollar facility on this island;.only problem right now is you can't fly direct, you have to fly thru france as I understand it. Thought you all would like to know. The boat was sold for $26,000
Tony Meola
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Re: walter mkaprelian's 31 blue beard

Post by Tony Meola »


I am happy for Walters family, but for a diesel 31 she went cheap. That is just a shame.
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Re: walter mkaprelian's 31 blue beard

Post by Dug »

Wow. Well, I hope she is treated like royalty!

She is a good boat, and I echo what Tony said.

I tried very, very hard to get a friend to buy her. No such luck. I know he missed out...

Be that as it may...

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