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What do you use to clean up E-10 "soot" stains?

Posted: May 30th, '13, 09:58
by Peter
OK.. they are not really soot stains because they are not a byproduct of combustion, but I get black sooty-looking deposits around my gas caps on my truck and cars, and on the portable plastic fuel tank in the Whaler, and other annoying places. LIke anywhere near the fuel line in the whaler.

This didn't happen before E-10, so I assume it has something to do with the alcohol.

So far I have not hit upon a great cleaner for these annoying deposits. Anybody solved this yet?


Re: What do you use to clean up E-10 "soot" stains?

Posted: May 30th, '13, 12:03
by Rawleigh
Maybe denatured alcohol?? Fight fire with fire, so to speak! If it put it there it should take it away.

Re: What do you use to clean up E-10 "soot" stains?

Posted: Jun 14th, '13, 06:13
by Peter
I tried alcohol. It may work if you let it soak, but does not work right away. I have had better results with Fantastik cleaner and a soft brush on boat stuff. Simple Green doesn't "get 'er done." Neither does 409 or mild detergent.

Fantastik may be going through a reformulation though. I can't tell if it is a new formula or just new marketing and packaging. Since I use it elsewhere I got a bunch of the old stuff in gallon size while I could.

I don't know if I trust Fantastik on an automotive finish. I have not tried that.
