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Ethanol Backers vs. Boaters Article in Paper.

Posted: Mar 30th, '09, 10:11
by lobsta1
Just saw this on another site. Read the article & especially note the last line.
Al ... enDocument

Posted: Mar 30th, '09, 11:09
by Rawleigh
Great, just great!!

Posted: Mar 30th, '09, 12:09
by Bertramp
If the option is there for marina owners/operators to buy lower ethanol level fuel or even zero ethanol level fuel, then there should be no problem. I was and am surprised to see a marina on the intercoatal near me advertising ethanol free fuel. If this is available to all marinas, then it's the marinas that have screwed the boaters, not the Gov't.

Posted: Mar 30th, '09, 14:44
by dougl33
In Mass the fuel docks have no choice. Always seemed stupid to me (in fact the whole ethanol thing is stupid and a waste of money).

I can't believe the yahoos they're quoting in the article still believe that ethanol is good for the environment. How stupid is that?

Posted: Apr 6th, '09, 16:25
by PaulJ
I sent an email to Gen. Clark... here are the contents:

Dear Sir,
I read the article "Boaters, ethanol backers at odds over damage by fuel" By Bill Lambrecht, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, 03/30/2009.

Please be aware that ethanol and boats do not mix. Ethenol will cause severe damage to a boat's fuel system and can result in total loss of power. Not something you want to do when you are 30 miles off shore in the ocean!

Please ensure that any support of ethenol fuel provides exclusions for marine fuel, both ethenol and bio-diesel, and provisions to allow marine fuel to be economically produced in viable quantities. High fuel prices are a given in the marine environment. Last summer, dock side fuel prices reached $5.75 per gallon (gas). This drove many boaters to all but abandon this recreation, putting many boat builders, marinas and associated industrial and service industries at serious risk. Ethenol fuel is not an option for the boating community. If "regular" gasoline becomes a "botique" fuel causing supply and demand principles to drive the cost up, the economic impact to this industry will be catestrophic.

Thank you for considering this point of view.

Paul Johannessen

Posted: Apr 7th, '09, 11:23
by Rawleigh
A marina across the river from me claims to have ethanol free gas. I will test it when I get a chance and report back

Posted: Apr 7th, '09, 15:41
by gmelvin
Rawleigh, my boat is over in Deltaville at Chesapeake Marine Railway and I would love to find some e-free gas. Is the marina you are talking about near Deltaville? Glenn

Posted: Apr 8th, '09, 22:02
by coolair
I think marinas are responsible too.. I just spoke to the guys at galveston yacht basin, They just got fuel back at the dock after Ike, they said they were going to switch to a marine gasoline, but it was easier to just keep what they were using, ie gasoline that has ethanol.

Posted: Apr 10th, '09, 19:29
by Harv
Has anyone ever stopped to ask or write their reps why there is no ethanol in avgas?
Maybe they realize that planes would be falling from the sky.

It should all be about safety first.
There is no place in aviation for ethanol, and it should be the same
for the marine community as well.

Posted: Apr 10th, '09, 23:03
by In Memory Walter K
My argument for years. Navgas.