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Bu-16 Biobutanol

Posted: Aug 4th, '15, 15:55
by MarkS

Re: Bu-16 Biobutanol

Posted: Aug 4th, '15, 16:11
by CaptPatrick

Thanks for posting the link!

Anything would probably be better than getting a boost of alcohol to the already stupid damage being caused by ethanol laced gasoline...

Re: Bu-16 Biobutanol

Posted: Aug 4th, '15, 16:16
by MarkS
Agreed and I figured it would draw some interest. Maybe a group purchase of stock as an early in by the faithful. I like my drinks with umbrellas in them served by scantly clad shapely honeys in exotic locations with lots of Pelagics. :)

Re: Bu-16 Biobutanol

Posted: Aug 5th, '15, 04:39
by John Swick
Hi Mark,
Already on that GEVO train.
It's been a rough couple of years but hopefully patience will pay off.
Renewable resource requirements being rammed down our throats by Federal governments ain't going way.
Banks, Insurance, Oil & Gas.....a very wise man once posted on this forum (long time ago, but doesn't seem so), "if you can't beat'em then join'em"
On an unbiased note, it looks like this isobutanol/biobutanol mumbo jumbo has much better characteristics than ethanol(?).
Chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo

Re: Bu-16 Biobutanol

Posted: Aug 5th, '15, 10:01
by Rawleigh
But does it dissolve fiberglass tanks??