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Latest Newsweek back page editorial tells the REAL story.

Posted: Feb 7th, '07, 11:31
by In Memory Walter K
If you can, grab a copy of the latest issue of Newsweek (Feb 12), the one with "Girls Gone Wild" on the cover (that should make it easy). Go to the back page and read the Editorial by George Will about the Kyoto Agreement. He tells the real story about the Global warming issue and the truth about Ethanol. Everybody is so hot to blame everything on America (and of course, George Bush) that its a real surprise to see someone telling it like it is. Walter

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 10:00
by Peter

Thanks for keeping us all up to date.

I hope that the gov't comes to their senses about this issue, but that isn't likely to happen without us consumer/citizens complaining to them about it.


Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 19:14
by bobozinga

While I firmly disagree with George Will's political aspect, I certainly concur with the ever-growing skepticism about ethanol as a solution for our nation's oil dependency. It's pure folly. As you know, the Wall Street Journal has been all over it, virtually every other publishing day.

It's interesting and hopeful that finally some other interests (besides us old Bert owners) such as the livestock and retail meat lobbies, are finally coming to their senses to realize that a major food product, corn, is now more valuable on the open market as an energy source. As the WSJ said, "Coming soon! A corn field near you." And some segments of the environmental community are also beginning to dig further into the ethanol madness and realizing that it is a pure, simple scam on the part of the agri-lobby. Washington politics....Ugh.


Posted: Feb 15th, '07, 22:31
by Mack
Even the Mexicans recently protested the price of corn tortillas!

Now the "experts" are suggesting that ethanol can be produced using something other than corn!

Just got a $2,300 bill for my new aluminum 254 gal fuel tank...looked at the interior of my old glass tank and it was fine.

Posted: Feb 16th, '07, 07:03
by Matt29
Where did you get a price of $2,300 for a 254 gal SS tank. I just got a quote from Nautic Marine the other day of $2,600 for a 165 gal SS. I even referenced this site in my call with him figuring he gets alot business from us.

Posted: Feb 16th, '07, 09:26
by CaptPatrick

Don't compare apples to oranges... Two different manufacturers, two different metals.

Even from the same manufacturer, same volume, the price between SS & aluminum will differ.



Posted: Feb 16th, '07, 10:07
by Matt29
Thanks Capt Pat. I misread the previous post and didn't see "aluminum," I saw what I wanted to see. In the future, I'll finish that first cup of coffee before posting.

Posted: Feb 16th, '07, 13:10
by dougl33
The Brazillians have been making ethanol from sugar for years. From what I've read, its a much more efficient way to produce it. But guess which crop we had the most of? Corn.

So since it takes more oil to make a gallon of ethanol fuel than a regular gallon of fuel, and you'll get worse mileage from that gallon of ethanol, you tell me how that reduces our dependency on foreign oil? Further, since we can't make enough ethanol from corn to satisfy our country's demands (it would take upwards of 97% of the farmable land in the country growing nothing but corn to be used solely in the production of ethanol) we must additionally import ethanol from Brazil.

Oh, and it also has the potential to ruin certain fiberglass tanks.

Seems like a good idea. :evil:

Posted: Feb 16th, '07, 15:47
by In Memory Walter K
You'd think with all those "brains" in the Congress and Senate, someone would have done their homework and looked at the mathmatics on this issue. It has driven up the cost of beef, poultry, soy beans, wheat and who knows what else. My Labrador retriever is smarter than what we have representing us in Washington. Ar least she can figure out who's feeding her. Walter

Posted: Feb 16th, '07, 17:36
by CaptPatrick
You'd think with all those "brains" in the Congress and Senate...
Those "brains" are all bought and paid for by big money wanting to make more money...



Posted: Feb 16th, '07, 19:50
by Skipper Dick
You got that right Capt. Other than that, they don't have enough brains to come out of the rain.


Posted: Mar 6th, '07, 19:12
by Harv

when the general public realizes that the only thing that effects global warming is the sun, then maybe more people will open their mouths. Global warming is a cyclical event which has happened thousands upon thousands of times since the dawn of time. It happened before people were walking the earth and will happen long after people are gone.

Posted: Mar 6th, '07, 19:20
by dougl33
But Harv, that flies in the face of what the media and celebrities are telling us! :shock:

You know they can't be wrong!

Posted: Mar 7th, '07, 22:22
by Harv

It is all about money and the redistribution of wealth.
Have you heard anything about being able to buy these so called carbon credits. Al gore is doing just that and making a profit at the same time.