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It's starting to happen...but probably too late for us!

Posted: Feb 5th, '07, 10:58
by In Memory Walter K
Netscape has another story today on the effect of Ethanol on the world's food supply. The higher price of corn has already driven the price if Mexico's staple (Tortillas) up 500% and is raising such hell down there with the people that their government has been forced to step in and freeze prices. The president of Tyson Foods has issued warnings on the potential danger it poses to the price of poultry. The Beef and pork producers are saying the same. Most recently the environmentalists have found out that the emissions from Ethanol using vehicles that were thought to be cleaner, are but only in cold climates. In warm climates, it speeds up the creation of smog. OK California...start making should consumers since everything from your breakfast cereal to your basic staples has increased in price. According to the article, the politicians are all behind the farmers and Ethanol, but when you look at how many farmers there are vs 300 million complaining consumers, they'll roll over pretty quickly! Timing is right. Election in 2 years. Start bitching everyone! If you keep quiet, you'll get what you deserve! Walter