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Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 7th, '13, 20:48
by CaptPatrick

Re: Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 7th, '13, 23:39
by Capt. DQ
Billy, is a good guy, he'll get it worked out.

Re: Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 7th, '13, 23:48
by CaptPatrick
So fill us in doug. What is the full story?

Re: Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 8th, '13, 11:16
by Mikey
So, do we pack for a Memorial UVI?

Re: Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 8th, '13, 20:41
by Terry Frank
The place looks good. Please tell me that the new docks are above high water. Don't appreciate snakes and alligators!

Re: Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 9th, '13, 17:06
by Bruce
Non producing fema money?

What about the money dumped into every hood rat owner in the bowl? I'm sure they got a hell of a return on that investment.

I'd rather see it go to something decent folks can use. You know the ones who actually pay taxes that produce FEMA money handouts.

Place looks good, but where are the goats? Got to have the goats.

Re: Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 9th, '13, 19:29
by Navatech
Bruce wrote:Place looks good, but where are the goats? Got to have the goats.
Can't have boats without somebody to run the place… My guess is that the terms of the lease are such that nobody in their right mind are going to sign the dotted line…

Re: Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 10th, '13, 08:29
by Carl
Navatech wrote: Can't have boats without somebody to run the place… My guess is that the terms of the lease are such that nobody in their right mind are going to sign the dotted line…

Ding Ding Ding...think we have a winner!

That is what held up my marina from opening this year.
Owners of my marina wanted more then a year to year lease from Parks department before agreeing to sink a couple million of their own money into rebuilding the place...sounds logical, No?
But Parks department would not budge off the year to year...even went further and tried to kick them out....It was a great time in my life, out of our house and marina calls to tell me I need to get my boat out of the marina as the Park Service is shutting them down in a couple weeks. All the marinas were in disarray and not accepting boats...Parks department had the answer...not my problem. It was not until the marina Patrons started to speak up and make calls...lots of calls to many politicians. With some heavy pushing the Parks Department agreed to extend lease somewhat. But they still played lots of games like not allowing enough slips to be built to cover operating costs...mandating upgraded specifications that ate up funds so they could not make a profit...In the end politicians set it straight, kudos to them for that.

Re: Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 10th, '13, 11:17
by John Swick
"We're from the government, and we're here to help you"......yeah right.
Amazing how they think they're the experts about everything ??
I'm involved in a marine facility and a small section of it that we are trying to develope is under municipal site plan control.
Incredible.....'just move that 80'x200' building over there, put that equipment here, we want your customers to park here, not there, what do you need 25' door clearance for?', no idea/recognition of our market, costs or consequence.
They want so badly to have site plan control over the whole thing....not gonna happen in my lifetime (knock on wood).

Re: Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 10th, '13, 22:34
by Tommy
Wait a minute......Bruce said "where are the GOATS", not boats......

Re: Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 11th, '13, 05:58
by John Swick
Oooops, I digressed.
Never been, but Port Eads is somewhere I hope to visit sometime.
They should try pigs this mo snakes.

Re: Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 11th, '13, 07:14
by Charlie J
think the goats are with timmy

Re: Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 11th, '13, 07:50
by Navatech
Just saying, goats will attract a certain kind of clientele whereas pigs will deter that exact same clientele… Assuming there's a place that serves breakfast I sure hope that bacon is on the menu!…

Re: Port Eads Update...

Posted: Dec 11th, '13, 07:54
by Bruce
Charlie J wrote:think the goats are with timmy
I can see it now, goats that will retrieve ducks............................I miss Tim.