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Today's grin!

Posted: Nov 27th, '13, 15:51
by MarkS

Re: Today's grin!

Posted: Nov 27th, '13, 17:22
by Charlie J
mark you come up with some good ones
happy thanksgiving everyone

Re: Today's grin!

Posted: Nov 27th, '13, 19:40
by Bob H.
Too funny....need an updated version to see if Dennis Leary lost his other nut this go round..BH

Re: Today's grin!

Posted: Nov 27th, '13, 20:22
by Pete Fallon
BOb H,
Dennis Leary is something else, he actually donated a couple of fire trucks to the City of Boston during his show Resuce Me. How true that commercial is I actually lost 5K back in 1986 when the ball went through Bill Buckner's legs, with 2 outs left in the game, the Sox lost that series in 7 games. Since then I haven't bet on anything with less than 4 legs.
Pete Fallon

Re: Today's grin!

Posted: Nov 28th, '13, 10:56
by Mikey
Fell out of my chair!
Happy Thanksgiving!