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Still alive

Posted: Nov 4th, '13, 23:14
by Harry Babb
Hi Guys

Time sure gets away sometimes. Talking to the Good Captian tonight and found out that the last time I posted here was way back in September......

Recent events at work has apparently distracted me more than I really realized.

Just to bring you up to date....since the Greenport Rendezvous I have completed the installation of a 12 Volt 18 circuit breaker panel. This panel will give me the power I need to install my electronics.

Me and DeNada (and a few friends) ran away from home a few weeks ago. We departed from my boat house in Fish River and ran on the inside to Destin Florida. The 92 mile run took us 5 hours headed to Destin at a fuel burn of 51 Gallons. On the trip back I turned it up a notch or 2 and made the 92 mile run in 4-1/2 hours and burned 54 Gallons. Personally I was very pleased with speed, burn and the scenery. We stayed a couple of days and just froliced around doing nothing but cruising the harbor.

Hope everybody here is doing well


Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 5th, '13, 00:04
by MarkS
Welcome home Harry!

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 5th, '13, 05:48
by Charlie J
nice #s harry

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 5th, '13, 08:32
by Eddy G
Harry, I am almost positive you and I crossed boat wakes back in May. It was the Friday of the Memorial Day weekend, ICW around Wolf's Bay. Late in the evening with a full moon rising. You were headed east and I was headed west to spend the night at the Wharf. I was in my B28 with a dinghy mounted on the transom. I tried to call you on the VHF, but you must have had the stereo cranked up to loud. Your express looked good as she went by.

Eddy G.

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 5th, '13, 09:54
by Harry Babb

I remember that day and weekend.....I remember seeing a 28. We had been at Orange Beach and spent the night before in Terry Cove. That morning we were headed back home.

DeNada is known by a few as the "Boat with no name".......nothing on the transom.

Probably did not even have the VHF on as its mounted inside the cabin (for now) and I cannot hear it when we are running.

Wish I had known it was you.......we would have stopped


Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 5th, '13, 11:35
by PeterPalmieri
Impressive numbers Harry, I'm burning 60 gallons on a striper trip.

Glad to hear all is well! We converted the old girl from a summer beach house back to a fishing boat in September, nights are dipping into the 30s now. Won't be long before the fat lady sings on the fishing season, it's been a good one.

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 5th, '13, 12:38
by Bertramp
welcome back buddy !!

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 5th, '13, 12:58
by Rawleigh
Glad you spent your time wisely!!!

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 5th, '13, 16:08
by Gert van Leest
Hello again !

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 5th, '13, 16:10
by Bruce
I missed that Alabama accent.

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 5th, '13, 22:30
by Tony Meola

Was thinking about you the other day. Was starting to get worried. Glad all is well and you were missed.

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 6th, '13, 01:59
by IRGuy
You were conspicous by your absence!

Glad to see you back!

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 6th, '13, 13:21
by Mikey
Priorities, Harry, Priorities! All work and no play . . .
Now quit that crap and get out there and burn fossil fuels!

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 6th, '13, 19:39
by Bob H.
Harry, glad to see you back in the sandbox. Hope Denada is giving you peace of mind. Being a boater is far more fun than grinding endlessly on fiberglass. Talk soon. BH

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 7th, '13, 21:42
by gplume
Harry- good to hear from you my friend. It sure sucks when work gets in the way of the good life. I know the feeling all too well.


Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 8th, '13, 06:13
by PeterPalmieri
Hey Giff. Many months after Greenport (at least for a 4 yr old) whenever Carter sees a boat with a tower he refers to it as a monkey tower because of you. Brings a smile to my face every time.

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 8th, '13, 20:29
by scot
Running the boat is a good excuse to not sit around and talking about boats. Welcome back.

BTW.. I have the correct turbo at the house now, so the little one I left with you should be bolted on one of your 6Bs to create a compound turbo. Compounding turbos is the latest shizzle on the Cummins hot rod sites. If it works I will find you another little one for the other engine. If anyone can make it work, it's you. I think YOU should try it LOL, I'll watch :-)

Re: Still alive

Posted: Nov 10th, '13, 11:52
by Harry Babb
Scot wrote:I think YOU should try it LOL, I'll watch :-)
Here in Alabama, statements like that are usually followed by "Hey Ya'll......hold my beer and watch this"...LOL
