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Texas Rains

Posted: Nov 1st, '13, 12:22
by Tommy
Hey Pat, I hope your turtle pond hasn't washed away with all the Texas rain I've been hearing about!

Re: Texas Rains

Posted: Nov 1st, '13, 13:51
by CaptPatrick

No problems here... Mater of fact, I think I got a whopping .001" of rain. Can't be sure of the amount, but the neck of the rain guage was damp. Thanks for the concern my friend!

Re: Texas Rains

Posted: Nov 1st, '13, 14:46
by Tommy
I obviously don't know my geography very well; I heard parts of central TX got a foot of rain in the past few days. My bad.

Re: Texas Rains

Posted: Nov 1st, '13, 15:05
by CaptPatrick
Mainly down in the Austin area, about 75 miles southeast of me... Last week folks down there were whishing hard for rain. Guess they kind'a over did their wishin' some.

Re: Texas Rains

Posted: Nov 3rd, '13, 07:59
by mike ohlstein
Just back from a Texas pig hunt down around the Houston area. Lemme tell ya….. it rained plenty. I was supposed to go to South Dakota for pheasants, but the hatch was pretty bad this year and the land owners want to preserve what birds they have.

(Of course the State says 'Come on out. The season's open.' Just another example of exactly who the conservationists really are…..)

Anyway, I met Andre and Trey and a few other guys out there and we mostly managed to get things stuck in the mud.


However, being the hunting deprived New Yorker that I am….. I didn't let the rain deter me. I set up shop on the corner of Oppertunity and Preparation, and managed to bag a couple of boars.



Re: Texas Rains

Posted: Nov 3rd, '13, 11:53
by Bruce
Pork, it does a body good.

Urban cowboy lesson 34.
Never go off roading in a 4x4 pickup with street tires.

Re: Texas Rains

Posted: Nov 3rd, '13, 19:34
by Rocky
Bruce aren't you forgetting running boards?

Re: Texas Rains

Posted: Nov 3rd, '13, 20:51
by Preston Burrows
Looks like the running boards saved the bacon.............pun intended!

Re: Texas Rains

Posted: Nov 3rd, '13, 22:02
by scot
Nice Mike,
Mo dead pigs is a very good thing! If we could only find enough guys willing to come take out the other 2.6 million. It still amazes me how many we have, and how hard they can be to find! Smart, fast critters that can out breed rabbits. Makes for a worthy adversary.