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Proud of 31fbc

Posted: Oct 15th, '13, 20:56
by Goober
Sat nite 11:00pm I had the pleasure of transporting my son in laws sister and her new husband from the wed. Reception to their limo and make their escape to who knows where . With fireworks blazing in background we left dock with a standing ovation from 300 plus friends and relatives . With all due respect I love the kids as my own but I had countless people comment on my 31 with nothing but good things to say ,some may have been alcohol related but ,my heart thumped with pride knowing I owned one of the FINEST boats out there.Many thanks to all who offer their wisdom on this site ,it only makes our job easier to keep our boats in top shape and enjoy them . BR. Goober

Re: Proud of 31fbc

Posted: Oct 15th, '13, 21:19
by Tony Meola
So how did hte Bride feel about having a boat get more compliments then whe need? LOL

They will still turn heads 20 years from now.

Re: Proud of 31fbc

Posted: Oct 16th, '13, 07:38
by Carl
They will look back at their wedding album years from now and, what a good looking boat!

It is funny that I can show up to just about any marina and get compliments on a 50 year old boat.
At least from people who know boats...with taste. LOL

Very cool way to leave a reception!!

Re: Proud of 31fbc

Posted: Oct 16th, '13, 09:35
by ljmauricio
Goober, very cool exit. I can visualize it easily as I had a similiar experience taking my business partner and her new husband from their reception at the Annapolis Hilton into the darkness of the harbor. Guests and onlookers were cheering from every balcony. However, the boat didn't get a second look as the bride was a knockout! Hard to look beyond her. The punch line to the story is that it wasn't a B31, a B35 did the job that night and maybe that's why the bride got all the attention.