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Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 7th, '13, 22:39
by Pete Fallon
I just got back from the Ortho doctor in FT Lauderdale, not good news. The 3rd knee that has been in since 2010 is shot. MRI results: Femoral component is loose 1 centimeter (top part), bottom part (tibial) is loose 2to 3 millimeters front to back and 1.5 centimeters left to right. Have to get a bone density test this week then it's decision time. I am really getting fed up with parts that my body doesn't like or the replacement parts are just plain made of crappy materials. I have been told to keep off of the leg use crutches and no survey work at all.

With this latest report,the boat really has to go along with all rods and reels,(Charlie J) are you still interested? I just lower the brokerage price to 35K listed by United Yacht Sales out of South Carolina.
Even the biggest ambulance chaser law firm in NY doesn't want to take my case, where is UV when I need him. I just had to vent, thoroughly pissed off.
Pete Fallon

Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 8th, '13, 07:47
by Rawleigh
That really sucks Pete!! Sorry.

Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 8th, '13, 08:05
by ljmauricio
Pete, have never met you, but have read much of your good advice in the short time I have been a member of this forum. Best wishes to you for a better result this time.

Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 8th, '13, 13:19
by Tommy
Pete, I am so sorry that you're having to deal with this same situation again; you don't deserve this garbage. My prayers are with you my friend.


Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 8th, '13, 14:00
by mike ohlstein
Turn your thinking around Pete. Ditch the Florida Doctors and NY Lawyers. Get a NY Doctor and a Florida Lawyer.....

Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 9th, '13, 00:44
by Pete Fallon
Mike O,
Going to go a different route Massachusetts General Hospital and a Boston law firm. Going back to where it all started on February 5th 1978. Its hard to believe that I have been dealing with this problem for 35 years. Maybe I can get rid of the knee problem as well as the boat, I've had them both the same length of time. The boat is in better condition than I am. Really have had it with all the BS. Where is the FDA when you need them.
Tommy how is the new boat coming along?
Pete Fallon

Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 9th, '13, 21:09
by Tommy
Pete, I realized that I enjoyed the hunt for the new 31 more than I enjoyed using it. I boat mostly on and around Cape Lookout Shoals and up Core Sound to Ocracoke Island. Given how shoally these waters are, I use my Everglades 243 OB, which is perfect for my boating activities. I caught an 8 pound permit on the shoals last Thursday (a Florida caption was with me and confirmed the species). I sold out of my partnership share of the 31 a few weeks ago, but Jim and Runyon have the SF Buddy Boy in showroom condition.

Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 9th, '13, 22:48
by Pete Fallon
Nice catch, I know what it's like in your neighborhood skinny water great for outboards that can be trimmed up. Catch more exotic fish global warming?
Pete Fallon

Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 10th, '13, 18:19
by Bob H.
Pete, Sorry to hear about your knee problems...that's a lot of hardware you've been through. Boston is the place to go for medical issues. Hope they get you a knee that's as well built as your 31..hang in there..BH

Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 11th, '13, 00:27
by Pete Fallon
Bob H,
Bob the thing that gets me is I've been telling the doctors for two years that the knee is loose, they just wouldn't listen. Finally I insisted on another MRI (have one done in August of 2010 8 months after the knee was installed, they couldn't see anything wrong). Now that the latest MRI shows major loosening they are scrambling to get it fixed, my doctor is actually making appointments with other doctors ( I think they are worrying about getting sued). Anyway it looks like I am going to get another knee different brand, different metal, ceramic and latest poly plastic material. The only problem is I am going to have to move to Boston area for 3 to 5 months in the winter, at least something is finally getting done. I keep the board informed, I will be out of commission until the Spring for any surveys. Thanks for the support from the board.
Pete Fallon

Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 11th, '13, 07:46
by Carl
Pete- I wish you the best. Have to say I am glad to hear they are going with new style knee. Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity...unfortunately it you your sanity being lost. I so hope this surgery goes as the first should have...

Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 11th, '13, 08:01
by John F.

Good luck. Its gotta' suck to have to do over. You deserve better.


Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 11th, '13, 15:58
by SteveM
If Bruce did the your install, you wouldn't be doing this 4 times.

I know this is a bummer for you Pete...but that's the first thing that came to mind. Hope you don't find the humor offensive.

Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 11th, '13, 16:59
by Kevin
This time it will work. You are stronger and more patient than I am that is for sure. I wish you the best and a speedy recovery.

Re: Another Knee Replacement #4

Posted: Oct 11th, '13, 20:29
by Pete Fallon
Thanks guys, you have to have some type of humor or we all would be dead. It just pisses me off that the big medical companies can get away with putting crap on the market. The plastic that was used as a spacer between the metal is basically recycled milk bottles, poly ethylene plastic, the newer stuff is treated a little differently but it's still poly ethylene, when they first came out with poly line for lobster traps everyone thought it was great, but after a couple of seasons it dried out, cut your hands something awful and it was real hard to coil. Anyway I've got to go through it again, can't spend the reat of my life walking around on crutches and I'm still young enough to go through the ordeal.
Pete Fallon