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Labor day Weekend

Posted: Sep 5th, '13, 10:48
by JH_B28
Thought you guys might want to see some pics of what happened this labor day weekend here in PR. If you think you had a bad weekend, remember things can always get worse.


Sorry for the picture quality, apparently they were taken from a cellphone. This happened in a reef in front of an anchorage called Las Pelas, in Culebra Island. Its a 39' Yellowfin with triple Yamaha 350's, I believe.

Re: Labor day Weekend

Posted: Sep 5th, '13, 11:21
by IRGuy
Some Bondo and bottom paint and she will be as good as new!

Proof the boating at night requires extreme vigilance.

We have a situation here in Wilmington in which a small boat running at night with 4 POB struck an unlit concrete platform sticking out about 6-8 feet above the water. This is not in the channel.. the owner/operator said he had departed the channel to give a tug and tow room. The o/o's wife was killed. The o/o said it was dark and he never saw the structure.

One of the cardinal rules of boat operation is that in reduced visibility you slow down, or even stop if necessary. While I feel sorry for the o/o of the vessel in the above post, and the vessel here in Wilmington.. it is obvious that both vessels were traveling at speeds too fast for the prevailing conditions.

Commons sense is sometimes not all that common.

Re: Labor day Weekend

Posted: Sep 5th, '13, 13:17
by JH_B28
From the rumors, It was said that some of the people on board were severely injured ( broken ribs, legs & lacerations). Some say they were traveling with kids on board! Luckily, there were no fatalities.
it is obvious that both vessels were traveling at speeds too fast for the prevailing conditions.
Another important factor besides excess speed is ALCOHOL. These long weekends are full of parties and celebrations were many people drink & drive. If the operator was also drinking, he had the perfect ingredients for a recipe for disaster: 1) boating at night 2) excess speed 3) driving under the influence

Re: Labor day Weekend

Posted: Sep 5th, '13, 14:28
by Navatech
Doesn't look like any marina I recognize in PR... It's most definitely not Villa Marina... No grass to be found there :-)

Re: Labor day Weekend

Posted: Sep 5th, '13, 14:53
by Rawleigh
Expensive boat, expensive damage!!

Re: Labor day Weekend

Posted: Sep 5th, '13, 16:03
by JH_B28

I believe the pictures were taken at Puerto Del Rey marina. In the piece of land the have for storage.