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transmission problem

Posted: Aug 26th, '13, 06:48
by ljmauricio
I have Borge Warner 1.9 X 1 transmissions. When in neutral, the shaft slowly rotates. Linkage does not seem to be the issue. Anyone have any ideas as to the cause, and possible fix? Thanks.

Re: transmission problem

Posted: Aug 26th, '13, 06:53
by CaptPatrick

The pressure plate is slightly warped and dragging... Usually not a big problem, but if it gets to the point of actually moving the boat when in neutral, the pressure plate will need replacing.

Re: transmission problem

Posted: Aug 26th, '13, 09:00
by Bruce
There are multiple fiber discs that can swell over time and drag or the two pistons that control the fwd and reverse functions by squeezing the discs together to drive can become worn or collect disc debris and not seat all the way open when the pressure is removed.

Only solution is repair. Very rare but sometimes cleaning the screen and flushing a few times with fresh fluid may help if its a debris issue.

Like Pat said not too much of an issue until it starts dragging a lot then docking becomes difficult.

If you have removed the shift linkage from the gear and made sure the lever is in the neutral detent spot, its internal

Re: transmission problem

Posted: Aug 26th, '13, 18:38
by ljmauricio
Patrick, Bruce, thanks for the reply..