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new home

Posted: Aug 10th, '13, 15:16
by Charlie J
well moved the boat to its new home today
with the help of frank b.
thanks for the help frank

Re: new home

Posted: Aug 10th, '13, 15:28
by Charlie J ... isp=thd&zw" onclick=";return false;

Re: new home

Posted: Aug 10th, '13, 15:29
by Charlie J
well that didn't work out to well
but at least I got a pic up there

Re: new home

Posted: Aug 10th, '13, 20:44
by Navatech
Charlie J wrote:at least I got a pic up there
None that I can see though...

Re: new home

Posted: Aug 11th, '13, 07:23
by Bill Mckinnon
I would love to Stop by and see her one day. I pass through Wilington quite a bit

Capt. bill McKinnon
Charleston SC

Re: new home

Posted: Aug 11th, '13, 10:31
by Charlie J
any time bill just give me a shout

Re: new home

Posted: Aug 17th, '13, 18:43
by Bob H.
Charlie, Enjoy your new home..glad The 4 girls made it down safe n sound..We all missed you at Greenport..guess we have to run down and attend the mid atlantic rendevous..BH