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greenport tee shirts

Posted: Jul 31st, '13, 08:35
by tjhartsr
well im making my first shot at tee shirts and of course down to the wire.Iv just been too busy to take orders .but im having 60 made for sat noon .I looked at the order that GIFF put together and put the names that bought shirts and the sizes and ordered a few hopefully youll still take um or i got a new wardrobe .I should have enough shirts for the folks that come to the event and if you like um then ill have some more made for additional orders. Giffs Order was about 100 shirts .But many were mailed out . Ill post my E mail if more are wanted . T hart

Re: greenport tee shirts

Posted: Jul 31st, '13, 19:53
by MarkS
I'm in as a non-attendee that would like one.

Re: greenport tee shirts

Posted: Jul 31st, '13, 20:02
by Capt.Frank
not making it this year would like to order shirts. Let me know $ and where to send it.


Re: greenport tee shirts

Posted: Aug 1st, '13, 05:01
by Charlie J
tom if you have some left over
ill take 3 XL
let me know money and address
have a great time

Re: greenport tee shirts

Posted: Aug 1st, '13, 07:44
by Bertramp
I'm in for my prior order and will be in Greenport at some point over the weekend by land or by sea.

Re: greenport tee shirts

Posted: Aug 1st, '13, 16:36
by tjhartsr
ok for all requests for shirts ,i will get my info out and folks can send checks with their requests and shipping info if not attending the event. Im just figuring how to do this discreetly .

Re: greenport tee shirts

Posted: Aug 9th, '13, 14:36
by opunui
Tom i will take two xl please.