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Greetings From A Hatteras Guy

Posted: Jan 13th, '07, 22:38
by Freebird
I have signed up for this forum at the suggestion of some Bertram guy I met in Ft Lauderdale at the show last year. His name escapes me right now, but I do remember the distinct sound he made when he fell of the barstool at the drinking barge at the show.....Thudddddddd!!!!

Now, here's the deal, I didn't buy my first Hatt to impress anybody, and I really didn't mean to own two at the same time. As it stands I now have a 41DC in Kingston, TN and a 58TC in Palmetto, FL.

At the risk of sounding like a Hatteras junkie, I'm sitting aboard a 70CPMY in Fernandina Beach having left Charleston yesterday headed to Ft Myers. This is a combination sea trial, job interview, and divorce diversion. Who knows what will happen in reference to any of the above.

I met Thuddddmannnn through the Hatt forum, then met him in person. Hell, the way I see it, Bertrams are a helluvalot better than Bayliners, and I know some pretty good ole' boys who like those things. Now I must warn you, I'm a happy boater, and I tend to joke around and have fun with folks of similar mind.

To that end, for better or worse, there goes the neighborhood! Now who's gonna be the first to try and throw me off of this forum?

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 00:17
by Harry Babb
Now really..........
Why would we want to kick you "Jesters" off of our the forum, I personally find your humor entertaining......and besides I cannot fault a guy for trying to improve his image. We all know that our image can be improved by hanging around well a respected community and I think thats why you chose the Bertram Community

Harry Babb

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 02:04
by Ed Curry
A cockpit motor yacht. There goes the neighborhood!

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 06:59
by Charlie J
keep coming back freebird, welcome

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 07:29
by Capt Dick Dean
I didn't buy my first Hatt to impress anybody
You have to be kidding. Or your a sick puppy!

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 08:10
by Brewster Minton
Its good you didnt buy it to impress anyone because we are not impressed but over time you will learn the errors of your ways and get a Bertram 31 and being in this sandbox is the first step. Remember baby steps first. Welcome and looking forward to you buying the BEST BOAT EVER BUILT.

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 08:14
by thuddddddd
THIS is why I love you guys.

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 08:21
by neil
timmy will you take care of dinner in montauk .i can send you menus and all the details. if you dont want to do it,sucker someone else thanks neil

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 08:30
by thuddddddd
whats my cut?? Dug said he made , like 20k when he was running it.
Besides Neil, I'm going to be so busy getting the tubb to float I won't have time to make it the quality event that it needs to be. How about crowther, or capt dick, or one of the other guys with a mouse trap like mind for details?

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 08:42
by Dug
Ahhh. Thudd my friend.

To quote shakespeare, "Methinks you type in error!!!"

I covered my costs. If I ever made 20 large, I sure as hell would still be doing it!!!!

Now, maybe you could figure out a way to come out on top like that!


Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 08:57
by Brewster Minton
Ill do the dinner thing Neil. I wanted to handle the fishing tournament part but call me and Ill take over what I can.

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 09:06
by neil
thanks brew i will email you some menu options but i vote for the lobster bake thanks again neil

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 09:22
by thuddddddd
Let Brewster do the fishing thing. Then he can't win everything(gotta diqualify if your running the tourney) put randallllllllllllllllll and walther in charge.

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 09:24
by Brewster Minton
I can do the lobster bakes if MYC does not mind. It would be 30 to 35 a head for 1.5 lbs lobsters, clams,steamers, mussels, shrimp and corn, butter and broth. We have chicken for the anti fish people and its free range. Let me know what the Faithful want and we can make it happen.

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 09:32
by thuddddddd
Brewsta(thats boston from brewster, kinda like lobsta and paaak the caaa), stop it, your making me hungry already, and I normally only hve 6-8 cups of black coffie for b-fast. I'll never make dinner at this rate.
Fine Neil, Brewsta guilted me into helping(helping, not doing) If he has time to run his business, kill his and my share of fish and work your thingy, well I'll lend my limited talents to the swaray

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 09:58
by CMP
If you're not in 3/4 lung island picking up motors, you damm well better be worling on that Tubbb...


Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 10:16
by thuddddddd
I'm checking in on the tubb's wireless internet. The guys on 31 berts have that, don't they?

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 13:14
by mike ohlstein
Yeah, in our homes....where it belongs. There's no cable in the canyon...

Oh.....I never leave the dock.......


Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 19:14
by thereheis
he did leave the dock just cannot make the canyon,,his etch-a- shetch erases from all the rolling of his hat...


Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 19:28
by neil
his etch a scracht is hooked up to his new gps timmmy will find his way

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 19:58
by thuddddddd
Neil, you da man.
Proff, I'm not even gonna dignify that cept to say you got no room , other wise you'd have it.
Btw I'm thinking a run down tue with the stuff, to pick up the stuff whtcha got going on??
Pats suck

Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 08:35
by mike ohlstein

Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 09:09
by Mikey
Throw you off the forum??? Hell, we'll just wiat until you fall off the stool.
Let the fun begin.
Does this make three Hatts, now? They're insidious, creeping across our boarders, working cheap and paying no taxes.
Where will it end?


Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 09:14
by Capt. Mike Holmes
They look like converts to me! Before long, they'll have to change the name of the Shootout to the Bertram-Hatteras/Hatteras Shootout!

Hope the Bertram company guys make note of this.

Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 12:16
by In Memory Walter K
Well, they say you're often judged by the company you keep. Should we start to get worried or is this an attempt at image elevation?

Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 12:25
by Capt. DQ

Now how many bar stools have you really fallen off of? Sure seems to be the way everybody meets you is when you hit the floor--THUDDD.......... and I quess drinking on a barge is not much different than the Tubb you think?, because they never seem to go anywhere. Just Wondering!

Welcome aboard Freebird, can you tell that this board adopts all kinds of boat owners and Timmy is our biggest recruiter.


Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 13:45
by Harry Babb
Whos image are you thinking is getting elevated here?
Harry Babb

Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 13:58
by In Memory Walter K
Harry- Theirs, of course!


Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 14:30
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Several years ago, we had a pretty hard blow overnight in Freeport, Texas. The next morning I was talking to folks at the fancy marina, and a young guy with an old 53 Hatt he was restoring asked if I slept aboard that night. Said he was tossed every which way all night. I told him I didn't really notice it, and when he asked how that could be, instead of explaining that the clunky marina I was in had a big ol' levee that blocks the wind real good, I just said, "Well, I WAS in a Bertram."

He cursed, of course.

Posted: Jan 16th, '07, 21:34
by Freebird
Dang, this site is sorta picky, I think I just zapped myself!

I did a preview thing and lost myself, so let me see if I can remember what I said. I ran across a couple of Berts yesterday. Them things sure are hard on the props of a 70 Hatt! Seriously, I stayed in Daytona Beach last night, and I saw a couple of Berts at Caribbean Jacks Marina. One was a 28 and the other one was a little bigger. They were both floatin real nice, but they had little ripples all around them. I think our big Hatt scared them!

Now I'm at American Custom Yachts on the St Lucie west of Stuart. Lots of big stuff here, but no Berts. There is a 72MY in my marina in Palmetto which is a custom stretched 60 something with a cockpit. Maybe I'll take that one for a ride to see how they stack up with a Hatt. It sure is purty!

Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll try not to hurt anybody's feelings on here. I figure we all appreciate good boats, and we should get along just fine.

Posted: Jan 16th, '07, 22:08
by JohnD
Welcome Freebird,

Hey, I won't hold it against you that you're a 2x looser ;-)

I'm a two time winner, B35 & B20, at least that's what I tell myself when I'm not working on one or the other.

btw, just cause you're fren's with Thuddddddd.... we won't hold that against ya either.


Posted: Jan 17th, '07, 08:24
by Chiles
The Hatteras virus is spreading. Next thing you know you'll hear "Hey, I have a Bayliner but I really like Bertrams so here I am" or even "I'm having trouble finding a way to mount outriggers on my sailboat"

Is there a Hatteras virus detectors out ther for these web sites?

Just kidding, Welcome to the site. I'll officially declair it open season on Freebirds and any other Hatteras owner when we get to know you better. :)

(Timmy started it)