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Spammed by Some Low Life

Posted: Jul 26th, '13, 20:35
by Pete Fallon
I you got an e-mail from me asking for money for my cousin in Italy disregard it. Someone with nothing better to do hacked into my account and sent my entire contact list an e-mail asking for money so my cousin can get an operation. I don't have any cousins that need operations and if they did they are going to die. Now I have to redo my entire contact list because of some ahole.
Pete Fallon

Re: Spammed by Some Low Life

Posted: Jul 26th, '13, 21:07
by CaptPatrick

Yeah, I got one, but that's such an old worn out scam that even a newbe would toss it... The catch is the "replyto: address", which in your case was fal4ertbts@***.*** rather than fal4artbts@***.***

Years ago, when Microsoft's email client was the big target and gateway for hackers, I got in the habit of never building a contact list within the email client itself. All of my contacts are either tracked down manually by searching through emails that I have received or sent, or on a separate list that I have in simple notepad text and stored on my desktop. It's not as convenient as a contact list all nice and tidy within the client, but almost fool proof in terms of security from hackers.

Re: Spammed by Some Low Life

Posted: Jul 26th, '13, 21:20
by Pete Fallon
Capt Pat,
I got about 6 telephone calls from different people today asking about the e-mail, 1 from my accountant, 1 from my lawyer, 2 from my bank and a couple of friends. Just pisses me off that some low life has nothing better to do that hack my computer.
Anyway how are things in the hill country, anymore redo's for this year?. Florida is typical hot with high humidity, bring 3 changes of clothes just to do a survey. Growbeaks are still shooting each other in Riveria Beach, average of two a day lately.
Knee is still FU went to doctor Wed PM he drained 80 CC of fluid and injected 12 spots around my knee with high octane lidocane/cortisone cocktail felt good until this afternoon pain is back just as bad as before. Enough of my woes, have a good trip to Long Island next week, can't make it this year. Hackers must die.
Pete Fallon

Re: Spammed by Some Low Life

Posted: Jul 26th, '13, 21:57
by CaptPatrick

Sorry you knee is still a problem, offer still stands...

We got ya' beat hands down in terms of heat, but at least our humidity is generally below 50%.

Certainly don't miss Riviera Beach. If I hadn't of moved out here to cow patty acres when I did I would have possibly been in the news before Zimmerman. Those thugs were prowling my shop area nightly and breaking into my truck on a regular basis.

I promised myself the Hancock's B31 was my last major redo. Pushing 70 leads me more toward short term projects and preferabably ones without deadlines. My biggest head aches now are things like when to mow the lawn, when to wade the pond, where to put the new bouganvillia, and such...

Looking forward to next week and Green Port. Hope you get to feeling better.

Re: Spammed by Some Low Life

Posted: Jul 27th, '13, 06:09
by ljmauricio
Pete, I have had my email hijacked. I use MSN, and they advised changing my password, which fixed the problem. Didn't need to revise contact list.

Re: Spammed by Some Low Life

Posted: Jul 27th, '13, 07:35
by MarkS
Don't forget bamy wants your passwords! ... 34454.html" onclick=";return false;