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All's well that ends well, the chock

Posted: Jan 13th, '07, 10:33
by Mikey
The last chapter of the bow chock insident is that Wayne Fultz contacted me and had exactly what I wanted at a fair price and he has sent it to me. It is better than described and I am planning on it's future home on the bow of Dreamsicle. Thanks Wayne.

Posted: Jan 13th, '07, 13:55
by Dug

I am glad it worked out well for you.

I have to say to everyone that I don't see Ebay as a good match with this group at times. I think that the ability to claim an item as one you want to bid on is a somewhat unfair approach. While I think that Mikey didn't end up with what he wanted early on, Ebay is a public forum, and there is nothing to say that someone other than a B31 participant could come in at the last moment and snatch it up. Long story short, when push comes to shove, all bets are off when it comes to ebay in my mind.

At the same time, I really agree that to have us bidding against each other is not a good thing either.

I would like to suggest that perhaps if multiple people are interested in the same item that they discuss it amongst one another. This would be done not to establish who would "be able to buy" the item, but to enable those of us here, who universally enjoy each other, consider each other friends, and in truth team mates, to communicate.

I guess I just don't see any way to "win" in a situation when it comes to ebay. At least not without someone potentially feeling pressured, or like they were cheated. Aka Mikey.

Just my thoughts trying to communicate about what I see as just a tough one to make work for everyone...


E-bay bidding

Posted: Jan 13th, '07, 14:45
by ScottD
Dug, you have a point about E-bay being an open forum where anyone can bid. I however will not bid against anyone from this site who notifies us of there interest in something, and would be dissapointed in anyone who did. My guess is, you wouldn't either, so it's just a values think, either you have them or you don't.


Posted: Jan 13th, '07, 18:20
by Whaler1777
Why dont we just carry this on forever?

Posted: Jan 13th, '07, 23:00
by Dug

I guess my values are pushing me to ask if there might be a better way to go about Ebay.

Now, as for bow chocks, I have contacted some friends who run a foundry. Let's see if we can get some of these things made and satisfy everyone!


Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 12:28
by In Memory Walter K
Now that's a big time, long term solution! Walter

Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 09:53
by Mikey
If you're serious about a modern incarnation of the revered bow chock I would ask a questions. If you do a new one would it be blasphemy to modify it slightly, not in appearance but in practicality. Since it is the concensus of the group that getting the lights to work consistantly is a fruitless effort how about eliminating the bumps on the bottom, thus eliminating holes in the bow which will leak. Close up the light-fixture holes making them solid. It seems most restorations add side lights which are brighter and don't quit at critical times.
Now if you prodeed with this, the chock I just got from Wayne is smooth and has very little corrosion and is a flat top (no holes) so would be a good candidate for the mold.
Can we talk, here?


Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 10:00
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Mikey, how can you talk with that stick in your mouth? (Your "avator" picture!).

It's cold and rainy here, supposed to get colder and icey. Stuck inside, looking for pictures for an article. Moderate drinking may follow.

Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 10:37
by Buju
Is the chock from the 31 the same as the 25? I figured it was larger than the B25 chock...

Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 10:49
by AndreF
Good post, Scott...................................

Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 11:32
by JP Dalik
If you can do a redesign to you could use todays LED lights the thing could last forever. I'm trying to get a set to fit in ours.... No luck yet.

Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 11:39
by In Memory Walter K
Mine is one of the early ones. The two top pieces have screws holding them down and give easy access to the reflectors and bulbs. They are designed so it is impossible to put themn back incorrextly. If a mold for a duplicate is made, for those who are going to use side lights, it doesn't matter if they are functional or not. If you're a purist and/or are going to want to wire them up, I would think it should be made up as the real thing. Not going to wire it? Same installation sans wires, and the same look as long as the reflectors are in...and you'll need them as they act as chafe guards when the docking ropes slide over them. My 2 cents-Walter

Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 12:13
by Dug
I have one that I can use for a mold.

I have thought about filling in the openings for lights, as I agree it is tough to use them, and to rehab them.

I would likely make them without light openings. I guess most of that would depend on the price difference. To be honest, I think they will be expensive, and it won't pan out, but you don't know unless you try, right?

Captain Holmes, I don't know what exactly cold is, but right now it is 30ish, and raining here. Downright icky. Yes, that is a word...



Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 14:03
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Only 41 here now, by what my truck tells me, but supposed to drop below freezing tonight, maybe stay there awhile just off the coast - with freezing rain and sleet probable. Yesterday it was 70. 30's is damn cold for where I live.

Damn that Al Gore and his glowball warming!

Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 16:39
by John F.

One solid piece--same look, just a chock without lights.

John F.

Posted: Jan 15th, '07, 22:37
by Ironman
Yeah we r having some of that Glow ball warming here in So Cal. it frosted last night & killed alot of tropical plants..One of my diesels wouldnt even start, (Not the bert)Got my heater on now .. aawww.

Posted: Jan 16th, '07, 12:42
by Rocket
Dug if you did it in one solid piece as John suggests, anyone who wants to install lights could have the holes machined to whatever size lights they chose to install.

Posted: Jan 16th, '07, 16:42
by Dug
Yup, and given that we have a machine shop, I could customize slightly depending on desired configuration. I should know more by the end of the week.



Posted: Jan 18th, '07, 16:02
by scot

I believe they are the same....but don't tell these guys or they will gobble up our 25 chocks. I had no idea when I came home with my boat that the the freakin Mona Lisa was bolted on the bow.

And Mickey, How do you talk with that stick in your mouth?

Posted: Jan 19th, '07, 07:29
by Buju
Thanks Scot. Can anyone varify?