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strange and getting stranger

Posted: Jan 10th, '07, 16:30
by randall
in 30 years of surfing ,kayaking year round ,and walking every inch of coast on the ocean and the bay in this town i have never seen this before....let alone in january....this afternoon there are 20-30 dolphin in northwest creek....this is a little harbor across from shelter island........20 miles from the open ocean.......have pix but im to inept to post em[/url]

Posted: Jan 10th, '07, 16:42
by Tom
Its Bush's fault.


Posted: Jan 10th, '07, 17:04
by thuddddddd
Naw, it's El presidente's fault. Part of the deal he made with the devil lady from NY to get his own country. He's in charge of her weather disruption brigade

Posted: Jan 10th, '07, 17:08
by mike ohlstein
Didn't Al Gore discover global warming?


Posted: Jan 10th, '07, 17:17
by thuddddddd
I'll go on line and check.....How do you spell google?

Posted: Jan 10th, '07, 17:32
by Capt. DQ
global warming is what formed after Hillary & Al got together, secretly?

Posted: Jan 10th, '07, 18:11
by bob lico
i have a large koi pond and a seperate small pond. the fish are so confused they are coming to the top of the water to be fed!this is jan. boys you are suppose to be hibernating!.i keep a record of temp that effect the pond like real cold i put a heater to make a wet spot (can`t let the pond freeze over need air venting)there are many people like myself who love the snow (sking,snowmobiling,etc).the boat is nice but love a break in the action.a drive in the snow up in the mountains of new england is better than 105 degrees in the shade anyday.every year warmer and warmer no need to take the boat out fishing is 12 months a year on long fin tuna off shore in jan.

Posted: Jan 10th, '07, 18:36
by randall
fortunatly it is snowing in very large amounts out west....enjoy the warm winter here play in the snow out is actually winterlike at the moment...brisk NW wind..bout 30 degrees......and i saw 3 0r 4 flakes today

Posted: Jan 10th, '07, 19:06
by Bruce
Don't you all know animals sense natural disasters before they happen?

I've been geeting some weird vibes lately. Well, weirder than normal anyway.

Posted: Jan 10th, '07, 20:59
by bob lico
bruce i think your on to something.went long island deer hunting(shotgun only)the deer have not begun to shed antlers yet,golden eagles,parots in the wild what the hell is going on.porpouses off the beach maybe a earthquake or something.
perhaps a valcano off florida.the geese are not flying south they are doing do do all over the lawn.i think we piss off mother nature!!!!!

Posted: Jan 10th, '07, 21:08
by Rocket
Well, here in rainy Vancouver, I just had to park all my trucks for the 3rd time this season due to excessive snowfall. Before this year, I've parked them three times in 10 years. The rain I can handle - you yankees come get your snow and take it home with you. If I want snow, I'll go up the mountains to visit it in it's native habitat. I think Whistler is creeping up on a 1000 cm base or 33 Feet! Bring on the rain!

Posted: Jan 10th, '07, 23:29
by scot

Al Gore didn't discover global warming, but he did invented the internet.


Posted: Jan 11th, '07, 09:14
by Capt. Mike Holmes
After young Al invented the internet, he quickly made use of it to spread the news about global warming, and his romance with Tipper, on which a certain romance movie was actually based..

Having lived and worked at least on the fringes of industrial areas in the south all my life, I do believe the excess heat produced alone might be causing climatic warming (in winter, Texas summers can get hot enough all by themselves - they would eat the industrial heat and laugh at it) - I believed this as a child - and the effects of air pollution have to be considered. That said, I am sick of hearing from "A majority of scientists" - usually unnamed - ranting about temperature changes that when investigated turn out to be only a few degrees (or less) over a long period of time. Normally these differences are less than the expected deviation or error in the methods used to measure them.

Also, I LIKE the idea of larger, therefore more productive oceans, new waterfront property, and vastly increased fish holding underwater structure from flooded seaside communities. I live about 5 miles from the beach, as the sea gull flies, and I'm plotting out my 3 acres in beachfront lots right now.

Heat on. If my wife won't let me move to the tropics, then let the tropics come to me!

Randall, porpoises aren't all as smart as Flipper was, they beach themselves like whales down here, and swim back to shore repeatedly when returned to the water. Maybe they are trying to evolve? If so, those bleeding hearts that rescue them are screwing up evolution! In my experience, they are ruled more by their appetite than their intellect, and are usually chasing baitfish or looking for a handout when they show up in unusual areas.

Posted: Jan 11th, '07, 09:34
by randall
mike...these dolphin aint stranded...the're feasting on bait fish trapped in the dead end of this very little good thing that might happen this winter is the premature hatching of the gypsy moths .... surprise..nothing to eat...unless of course the oak trees start leafing in march instead of may

Posted: Jan 11th, '07, 10:33
by scot

I believe man has had an effect on it but we are a part of the system. Astroids and super volcano's get to wipe out all life why can't we?'s down right discriminating! I guess we should exterminate cattle because it's my understanding that they produce more methane (via exceptionally robust farts) than all other activities combined.

The earth cycles and we can't stop it, or controll it. This planet's climate has never remained in a constant state, go back a few hundred million years and you couldn't even breath...If the environmentalist had their way we would have T-Rex's running around because thay would have placed them on the endangered species list. Try having one of those for a yard pet.

All we can do is adapt to the changes as best we can, hey if we go extinct, then so be it....come back around in 20 million years and you'll be hard pressed to even know we were here.

The REAL problem is that WE have been much too successful and there are just too many of us.

Go to India, China, etc and tell 10 billion people to stop routing their sewers into the rivers. That's 8-12 billion turds a day finding their way into the oceans... and my wife's SUV is hurting something? We should tell them that they have to recycle that stuff.

In conclusion to my's not our activities that will ultimately kill us but rather it will be: "death by 100 billion turds".

Posted: Jan 11th, '07, 12:44
by randall
thanks for clearin that up.....heatin my house and shop with wood and runnin my twin engine gas boat and 1956 no emmission control car was makin me feel all guilty

Posted: Jan 11th, '07, 14:24
by scot
Your welcome Randall,

Now that we've had our fun...what I really think, and based on most sportsman I know this is how most feel:

We are stewarts of this earth and we should try to leave it a little better than we found it. I think most Americans just get real tired of being targeted as "the problem" when there is much worst going on around the world without anyone holding them to account.....just blame the Americans!

If you travel you quickly realize our country is pretty clean and we are actually "trying" to make it cleaner. Problems that are identified are targeted for solutions, unlike the rest of the emerging third world.

Posted: Jan 11th, '07, 14:32
by Mikey
1956 what?
When I got the Bertram I sold a '57 Cadillac convertible. They both burn about the same fuel per mile.

Posted: Jan 11th, '07, 14:36
by randall
scot....everything you say is true.......but thats why they are third world countries and were not (not yet anyway....but thats a different problem) i have no problem being held to a higher standard as a country than say..............nigeria meanwhile back at the boatyard

Posted: Jan 11th, '07, 14:54
by randall
mickey......1956 austin healey 100-4 bn of about 1400 built......maybe later i will try to learn how to post a picture...i already have the photobucket account but without mike walkin me through it on the phone im somewhat lost.......going to spend the afternoon cutting some more global warmin fire wood........everyone should do his part


Posted: Jan 11th, '07, 17:03
by thuddddddd
Randalllllllllll hope your using a bow saw and not some 2stroke mosiquito fogger.

Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 07:49
by Brewster Minton
Randall you could cut up Timmyyyyyys Hatt and burn that in your stove. That would help the world out and its one good use for the TuBBBBBB!


Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 08:02
by thuddddddd
nooooooooo, to many florocarbons in the burn.Plus there's so much glass in tubb, that you could have made 4 berts with the material....

Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 10:06
by Peter

From the Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror Thursday, Dec 28, 2006 from their regular column titled "Looking Backward"

1931 - 75 YEARS AGO

The weather has been so mild this past week that we are apt to refer to it as "unseasonable." It has been so warm that at times it has seemed more like April or May than December, and as a result the public has been reminicing regarding Christmas of years past. As a matter of record, it is interesting to note that although weather has been mild it has not been exceptional by any means. In fact for the past 10 years the weather has been like spring instead of winter at Christmas time.

Is global warming real? Did the last ice age end?
Will we have another ice age someday? Who knows?
Maybe Al Gore has the answer.


Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 10:11
by Dug

Want pallets? Beautiful oak pallets burn nicely. I have ripped a few apart here at the plant, and think I may be on to something. They come apart pretty easily, plus cost an arm and a leg to dispose of commercially. Pine goes by the wayside, but the oak and other hardwood ones are destined for the fireplace!

Funny I actually found a part of one that is made of mahogany! High class pallets these steel distributors are using!!!


Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 10:49
by Mikey
It is truly a strange world. In another life I owned three AH 100-4's. Raced one of them shortly. I was fast but inconsistant. Not good for winning. Great cars. Lay that windshild down and take the bugs in your teeth. There are few cars that I would like to get back but my first is still a dream.

Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 10:51
by scot

Those mahogany pallets are more than likely from central America or the Phillipines...that stuff is their "pine". They build everything out of it! How did we get stuck with such a crappy common tree as the pine?

Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 10:51
by randall
dug...thanks but no thanks.....i have two things working in my favor.....first....half the town ,small as it is and surrounded by still wooded with oak forest....lots of good fire wood around.......the second is that you cant take wood to the dump for every construction site is more than happy to let you take any scrap you want so they dont have to pay to get rid of it.......i have become very selective and usually just take the rafter tails....12-14 inch blocks of fir that split easily with a cutting no nails

Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 10:55
by randall
scot.....i make my living with vermont northern white pine.....this after carving a ton of mahogany in the 90's

Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 13:42
by scot

That's good pine...I'm talking about the stuff we now grow on tree farms in the South, nasty stuff, but you get a full grown tree in just a few years. The original old grow Southern pine is very nice but getting really hard to find. The white pine is great for carving, very consistant with few unpleasant surprises.

Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 20:42
by randall
Image both local legends......its a small town.........................
thanks patrick

Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 20:50
by CaptPatrick
There ya' Randy!

Now click on the "Edit" botton of your post of the images & you'll see how I edited it to bring them into a vertical line... You don't need to do any more editing, so just click the back button on your browser.



Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 21:07
by randall
got it

Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 21:20
by Buju
That is about the coolest vehicle of all time...

Posted: Jan 12th, '07, 23:25
by randall
actually... i like the boat better..but thanks....staying with my basic program i bought it for almost was a botched resto..... spent the first summer welding the frame back together then one major system at a time was pulled and professionaly restored till it became a totally rust free totally restored reliable driver....been wet twice in 25 years....original 50 year old paint

Posted: Jan 13th, '07, 10:23
by Mikey
My heart just skipped a beat, damn, I sound like country song. Right now I feel like one. Thought I recognized that red. My second 100-4 was that color, also original but only twenty-years old. Love the Brookline windscreen. I WANT ONE!
Keep it dry.

Posted: Jan 14th, '07, 13:59
by randall
colorado red...............went back to see the dolphins again.....things have changed a little since last week...after many newspaper articles including the local papers and the regional paper and the NY Times...its a circus....but its actually a good thing....every one on this board has seen dolphins many many times....but heres a bunch of kids of all ages flipping out at the close proximity........the local marine bio folks came and put an underwater mike in the harbor so the kids could here them squeak at each other....a few came as close as 10 feet off the bulkhead...............unfortunately the forcast is for winter to acctually begin on tuesday

Posted: Jan 16th, '07, 22:30
by AndreF
There was a national story about it tonite on TV. I looked for you but no mas. Dolphins look to be in trouble.
Maybe you could lead them out.............

Posted: Jan 16th, '07, 23:30
by Tom
Randall, was in shorts and no shirt working on the boat Sunday in Galveston. Got ice on my pickup tonight. I'm beginning to think that Koffi and Obama are now responsible as 43 would not inflict this pain on the republic of Texas. Good news is I don't have to refrigerate the Surgeon General's Terlingua chili tonight. Its outside on the workbench. Oh my Matt, that was some good stuff. Had to cut it in half as my wife and I cannot make a pot o' chili with 12 pounds of meat.

Just saw the dolphin deal on the Weather Channel. My only thought is first you make a roux, then how in da' hell do you cook dem things?...-Tom

Posted: Jan 17th, '07, 07:22
by Bruce
Bottlenose, the forgotten Dolphin meat.

Posted: Jan 17th, '07, 09:39
by randall
well this dreal went down hill fast......the inlet to the creek is only 4 feet deep and the dolphins for what ever reason dont like going thru it....all the bait fish are gone and the remaining dolphins are moving very slow..................they try to scare em out with hearding and noise.....dont understand why they dont just streach a net and corral em towards the inlet........hope the 8 or so remaining get desperate enough to run the inlet..............problem is even if they do its still 20 miles to open ocean and they are weak

Posted: Jan 17th, '07, 11:14
by clay

Nice Healy, Seeing your 100-4 makes me want to go out to the shop and get to work on my TR2 - But the B31 is screaming for me to finish the new cockpit floors, cuttlas bearings, packing glands, oil changes, electronics etc. etc. and on top of that there is this dam job that takes up all my time.


Blast from the Past -1954

Donald Healey achieves almost 193 mph over a flying kilometre in a 224 bhp supercharged streamlined 100, while Carroll Shelby goes on to break sixteen U.S. and international speed records in 100 Healy's at averages of nearly 160 mph.

Posted: Jan 17th, '07, 12:28
by randall
clay....i'm familiar with the concept.....also have a 25 year collection of healey lit....until i got the bertram i was pretty into healey stuff but the folks werent near as entertaining as this crew

Posted: Jan 18th, '07, 09:40
by Mikey
Can you still buy Whitworth tools?

Posted: Jan 18th, '07, 10:05
by randall
mikey...yes you can as a matter of fact you can buy any part of any healey either recreated or NOS.....except the engine block

Posted: Jan 19th, '07, 14:32
by Mikey
Figured as much. I owned mine at the end of the period when they were popular and Whitworth was out and metric was in. What a bitch. Took some new metrics and made my own. Engine block is no prob, think it was an English tractor engine. Plunder the fields and barns of Jolly Old and there you are. Better yet use antifreeze.

Posted: Jan 19th, '07, 16:35
by randall
mikey....6 cylinder blocks can be tough to find but all the 2.6 liter 4 cylinder blocks are austin A90's (hence the name "austin healey") ...its the same block that was designed in 1938 and in detuned state is found in london taxis and a zillion other cars....there is a company in austraila that makes recreation aluminum panels for every part of the car...i have 3 sets of front and rear shrods

Posted: Jan 20th, '07, 09:34
by Mikey
Maybe my next project will be a 100-S. Don't tell my Bride I said, "next project."

Posted: Jan 20th, '07, 09:35
by Mikey
or maybe an M.

Posted: Jan 20th, '07, 13:43
by randall
s' are deep into 6 figures and theres only 55 of no hope there...m"s are easy to recreate from 100 4's...just takes $$..or theres about 1000 floating around.....if you have just sold at barret jackson for 54K