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Removal of coolant in 3208 Cats

Posted: May 22nd, '13, 00:49
by Kevind767
Trying to remove all of the old coolant from a pair of 3208T's in my B38 has always been a problem.

Any suggestions for removing all the old coolant, short of removing a freeze plug? (said tongue in cheek. I don't really plan on doing that)


Re: Removal of coolant in 3208 Cats

Posted: May 22nd, '13, 07:48
by Capt.Frank
I put a vacum on the tank then pull a plug out on the lower front of the engine. Then put a niple on with shot shot of hose and then take vacum off and out comes the coolant in to buckets. I now use that line for a cabin heater so it has a valve on it to shut off in summer.
Good luck.

Re: Removal of coolant in 3208 Cats

Posted: May 26th, '13, 03:30
by Kevind767
Will try that. Sounds like a nice and clean way to remove the coolant.