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545 or Awlquick?

Posted: May 21st, '13, 14:18
by Capt.Frank
I opened pandorias box working on the walk way between the engines, finialy replacing the rotted wood. Now have to replaced part of bulkhead under cabin door. Figured I would reinsulate engine boxs now painting them and wing sections. I have good results with rolling and tipping Awlgrip. I need to prime the boxes to fix all repairs. Can you roll 545? I think I tryed years ago with bad luck. I see that awlquick high build primer is for rolling ? I might just get 545 and try to spray (cheep air spray gun). Anyone use either rolling?


Re: 545 or Awlquick?

Posted: May 21st, '13, 18:53
by Bob H.
Frank I used a roller on 545 took a couple of coats, it then has to be sanded anyhow to do your fairing, then topped again with 545, before painting light sand again, paint, if its not smooth enough sand again, paint, repeat till your happy. The 545 seals in your work and gives the paint a good layer to bond to. BH

Re: 545 or Awlquick?

Posted: May 21st, '13, 21:24
by Kevin
When we did my boat in 2006 the 545 was rolled on. I think it was 2 or 3 coats, but my memory is not so hot anymore. Ran the DA over it till smooth and then shot the awlgrip with the gun. Rolling that stuff on will fill lots of minor imperfections.

Re: 545 or Awlquick?

Posted: May 22nd, '13, 18:18
by Capt.Frank
DId you thin it any different? I had cumping issue last time, But like kevin my memerory is not that good.