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A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 17th, '13, 17:06
by JP Dalik
Attaching a video released from the MRMTC. There might be a recognizable hull in a few of the later shots not a bad waste of 7 minutes

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 17th, '13, 17:24
by Charlie J
thanks for sharing jp

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 17th, '13, 17:38
by CaptPatrick
Did notice one that's vaguely reminiscent...


Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 17th, '13, 18:55
by Bob H.
Plenty of laundry flyin on Chimera, a good day indeed...nice work JP

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 17th, '13, 21:52
by Tony Meola

Nice job. The big guys love it when our little 31 out fish them.

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 18th, '13, 14:58
by Rawleigh
Playin' with the big boys!! Good job JP!

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 18th, '13, 21:19
by John F.
Congratulations to the Chimera crew. Very cool.

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 18th, '13, 21:38
by Harry Babb
Good going JP......."The little boat that could"


Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 19th, '13, 07:14
by Bertramp
Good one ... thanks

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 19th, '13, 07:25
by bob lico
You caught and release just about 90% of the white marlin in the offshore jersey New York area! Unbelievable fishing skill.were your using multiple dredges ? We're they all tagged?

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 19th, '13, 12:11
by JP Dalik
Thanks guys it was fun.

No dredges Bob 1 12" squid chain and 1 12" squid bar we were fishing with a four man crew and at times were baiting up to five fish. We did catch a triple and several doubles during that event. It was good fishing

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 19th, '13, 18:48
by bob lico
Thank you for info.not blowing smoke up your ass I fish the same waters your accomplishment is no less then incredible this is not South American!

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 19th, '13, 19:32
by JP Dalik
Thanks Bob, I'd always rather be lucky than good, there are some great hooks in that tournament and we got off to a good start and got lucky enough to maintain it.
Ive offered it to you before and it stands for our brotherhood, you guys are always welcome to jump on and go fishin with us. If you can crank, then crank, if you wanna watch, then watch, don't matter to me as long as we all have a good time. Just always happy to fish with folks that love to fish. Ask Mr Higgins, he's earned a crew slot on the old girl,along with DQ and that Harry Babb fella should he ever show his face in Jersey during the season.

Just happy to share

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 19th, '13, 19:42
by Bob H.
Just say when JP..Its worth the trip guys, JP and the Chimera crew know how to fish..and then some..BH

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 20th, '13, 14:52
by Capt.Frank
You sure have it dialed in, and a great crew to have such a great day. I have had many days with dozens of fish in the spread, but to come tight on that many is awesome.

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 29th, '13, 20:04
by 1962 31
nice vid jp theres a guy that looks just like me holding a small$$$$ big fake check lol picked up a daily calcutta in that tourny do you fish beach haven wmit

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 30th, '13, 03:33
by JP Dalik
Fished it years ago with the other tournaments when I would freelance, nice club and a nice tournament. Now with the little boat the weather is a big deal, the MRMTC Tournament is about the only one I know we will get our days in on (2 out of 9)

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: Apr 30th, '13, 15:07
by John Jackson
I have had the privilege of fishing with JP a few times and the prep, focus and knowledge he puts in is second to none. Plus the food is always great and the refreshments are, well, always refreshing. The best part is being on Chimera—what a ride! The only problem is that the experience is always so darn humbling!

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: May 6th, '13, 11:06
by Craig Mac

Just curious on how you target whites over tuna? Any insight would be appreciated.

Primarily fishing Hudson-Block, maybe they are just not there, but haven't heard of any landings in recent past. It was the target species when I first fished Hudson way back in 1970!

Re: A little boat in a big tournament

Posted: May 6th, '13, 13:56
by JP Dalik
Tunas and marlin all eat the same stuff, so you look for the clean warm eddies that holds the bait.

Generally I'm fishing4-5 dink rods with 60 lb wind ons and 5 foot 60 lb leader. 7/0 or 8/0 thin wire circle hooks.

2 teasers and 2 big baits or plugs.

The real trick is watching.

If you troll plastic for tuna and get short bites allot during the day. Or real early in the morning I'd bet 50% of them are white marlins. They get stung and leave so the trick is to get to them before they get to you.

You'll catch the tunas this way as well bet the thin wire hooks can only handle 10-12 pounds of drag before starting to straighten so the fights last longer.

Max drag for whites with us has been 4-6 lbs. actually even for the bigger blues a lite drag works great, the fish tend to stay up high and you can get to em quicker for the release. We did 2 blues last year one around 400 and the other just under 200 on 20's and never put more then 8 pounds on those fish