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Record barracuda caught...

Posted: Apr 2nd, '13, 20:37
by IRGuy
Lotta teeth! ... 02-pounds/" onclick=";return false;

Re: Record barracuda caught...

Posted: Apr 2nd, '13, 21:04
by Tony Meola
Would hate to run into him while swimming. Nice catch though.

Re: Record barracuda caught...

Posted: Apr 3rd, '13, 13:36
by Buju
Very skinny for it's length... I'm thinking it was a sick fish considering the 10 min. fight as well.

I've ran into 'em about that big (at least it looks like it in the water) when I'm freediving and spearfishing.
Had a monster take a mutton right as I was going to grab it - came outta no where and bent up my spear shaft too... ratbastard