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31 Express back on Ebay

Posted: Jan 5th, '07, 08:39
by waggles02673

The 31 Express project boat is back on Ebay with a better description and more pictures. She looks like quite the project! ... 3515QQrdZ1

Posted: Jan 5th, '07, 13:56
by Mikey
If any of you are truly interested in doing this and want some insight into the project I am doing an express from the ground up. Except for the fiberglass everything in mine will be new including decks, engine boxes, and fuel tank. Let me know.

Posted: Jan 5th, '07, 16:45
by Brewster Minton
Its calling some one out there to come save it and be loved.

Posted: Jan 5th, '07, 22:53
by Harry Babb
If I were 20 years younger I would be all over this project boat...and stay up half of the night doing it......

Tried to talk my son into undertaking it but no luck yet......he is to focused on an old Camaro

Harry Babb

Posted: Jan 5th, '07, 23:12
by Whaler1777
I wonder how difficult it would be to turn this into a sedan... I have always loved that look...

Posted: Jan 6th, '07, 07:18
by waggles02673
I would set it up like "Charisma" she is one beautiful boat!



Posted: Jan 6th, '07, 08:23
by thuddddddd
waggles, don't know if you've ever had the oppertunity to be on that boat.
If I HAD to be stuckwith something other than the tubb(in the same $ range, so it doesn't include new high $$ stuff) my list would be the tubb(when its done) Dan S's 34hatt, then Charisma, the inside is awesome, wel thought out and completed to a T. the next would be fighting angle. Not sure if Jimmy still has it, but that boat is a steal at what he's asking for it. just for a change I'd have to think hard about Frank P's 33sportfish, but with real motors.
anyhow charisma is one sweet ride

Posted: Jan 6th, '07, 09:25
by Mikey
Are there any pictures of the interior of Charisma/ Since my express' cabin is an empty hole right now suggestions are welcome. Pixture are better.


Posted: Jan 6th, '07, 12:10
by thuddddddd
Mikey, don't know if I still have them, but it was a cross between some caberra stuff, and and open salon. Georgous. Kathi said if we ever had to down grade, that one might have worked. Call me if you want and I'll describe what it looked like. lots of storage, good use of space, comfortable........

Posted: Jan 6th, '07, 13:09
by Garry

A complement to any RLDT coming from you is really out of are not ill or getting soft in your old age...are you?



Posted: Jan 6th, '07, 15:22
by thuddddddd
Come on Garry, you know I'm pretty much willing to call a spade a spade(or Canadian depending on the situation)
Charisma is sweet. If I'd seen her prior to the tubbb, well maybe we'd never heard of RLDT's............... no I would just had to complain about my suck choice of boats, and how I was looking to upgrade to a bayliner, or stamas or anything else

Posted: Jan 7th, '07, 08:11
by waggles02673

Stupid me should have bought "Miss Olive" the 31 Bahia Mar when she was for sale 2 years ago. That boat would have been ideal to fish East of Chatham Tuna fishing and run to the Canyons here from the Cape. Instead I purchased a Contender or as CMP calls it "the rocket ship". Needless to say the Contender is for sale and I am back in the market for an express diesel.


Posted: Jan 7th, '07, 11:31
by In Memory Walter K
Wags-The Contender and Regulater guys seem to be as loyal to their boats as B-31 guys but being at Montauk and having seen some of their shootouts, the guys seem to be pretty beat up at the end of a hard fishing day. I guess you have to put in some hard time before you realize the benefits of the level of comfort and safety a diesel 31 of any model provides. Strangely, If I sold my diesel Sportsfisherman today, it would take all the money I got to buy a new outboard well equipped Contender or Regulator. No contest in my least not at my age and experience. Walter

Posted: Jan 7th, '07, 18:07
by Terry Frank
I had a Regulator. Sold it and bought a RLDT. A good choice. No matter what the Hatt guys say, the 31 is the best boat ever built. Hear that Timmy ???

Posted: Jan 8th, '07, 08:19
by Brewster Minton
You tell them Terry. "THe Best Boat Ever Built"


Posted: Jan 8th, '07, 08:27
by thuddddddd
So Chris subverted your normally keen mental skills, and conned you into a RLDT?? and you just don't want to admit your error??

Posted: Jan 8th, '07, 14:28
by Chiles
Anybody got $11,499 that they can lend me? How about the I'm guessing the refit is going to cost me close to 90K if I redo it myself.



Posted: Jan 8th, '07, 17:32
by thuddddddd
12k?? is that for the 2 kia's so you have a set of motors to put in?

Posted: Jan 8th, '07, 17:40
by Mikey
Chiles, You buy it I'll lend you the $$$. Same usury rates as the streeters. Put in the yard next to mine we can encourage each other.


Posted: Jan 8th, '07, 17:50
by thuddddddd
chilles, starting is only 5k and everyone is a scared of that. Why not throw a 5001 bid at it??

Posted: Jan 8th, '07, 20:27
by Whaler1777
somebody has to buy this thing

Posted: Jan 8th, '07, 21:00
by Terry Frank
Does it have a bow chock?


Posted: Jan 9th, '07, 08:56
by thuddddddd
your a funny guy

31 express

Posted: Jan 9th, '07, 08:59
by Capt. Mike Holmes
There is a 1962 express in Freeport for sale that could probably be had for $20,000 or less that is WAY ahead of this boat. Pretty much original inside and out, 440 Chryslers, deck in good shape, original icebox, original cabin windows and windshield that still open, etc.

Posted: Jan 9th, '07, 09:55
by Whaler1777
Yea I'm crackin up over here..


Posted: Jan 9th, '07, 17:41
by thuddddddd
I'll bet.......
phone call on the way home
