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Bloody Decks interviews Capt. Norm Isaacs

Posted: Mar 21st, '13, 14:32
by MarkS
Short and sweet but he mentions the 31 he captained so I thought it relivant to the site.

I also like the part where he said he was allergic to alcohol. He wakes up in Tijuana and jail! LOL ... interview/" onclick=";return false;

Re: Bloody Decks interviews Capt. Norm Isaacs

Posted: Mar 21st, '13, 21:46
by Tony Meola

Good read. I fished on their 35 when they were chartering in Hawaii. His son Darrin was running the boat that since Norm was off filming.

They ran a quality operation. Darrin and the mate were real gentleman and had great patience working with my wife. While we had 6 shots at fish that day, we only had a short hook up, but she got a shot at feeling like being hooked up to a Marlin felt like.

His son Darrin told me how he hated to fish when he was a kid. Then one day he some how got hooded and now that is all he wants to do.

They made quite a name for themselves when they were in Kona.