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Posted: Mar 1st, '13, 08:56
by randall
just stoppin by to say hi. been stupid busy for the last year. then i had some trouble logging on to the new format but we got that resolved so here i am. whats new?

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 1st, '13, 09:06
by CamB25
Welcome back! It's been a busy year! We've all given up on the Bertrams and moved on to Bayliners! Capt Pat hasn't updated the website yet, but I'm sure it's on his TTD list!

clorox anyone?

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 1st, '13, 12:34
by TailhookTom

You've been gone so long that you missed Benjamin Carson, MD being elected President! Talk about a competent man, regardless of race. Oh, I didn't buy a Bayliner, I went to a much higher grade vessel -- I picked up a cherry SAILBOAT -- yeah, a sunfish.

I too have been in hiding -- too busy at work, as our company has gone leaner, the workload has certainly gone the other way.

Nice to see you back!


Re: hey

Posted: Mar 1st, '13, 12:39
by Rocket
Love to see pictures of what you have been working on. I have been very busy at work, trying to earn enough to commission one of your amazing pieces!

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 1st, '13, 14:00
by Bruce
Mike let us know you were busy, that's a good thing.

Hope this post finds you and your family well.

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 1st, '13, 19:22
by randall
here's a piece i did this year. i have a gallery in NYC now and they have no mercy. they have shown my work in a handful of group shows, including montreal and tokyo.......and a solo show last january.

thanks bruce....we're fine and caren still spends a week a month in florida.


Re: hey

Posted: Mar 1st, '13, 20:16
by Bob H.
Hey right back to you Randall...good to see your the paper boy has a tough time slinging those papers on the front porch...Update on my "restoration" almost ready for

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 1st, '13, 20:54
by Harry Babb
Glad you stopped by for a visit Randy......good to hear from ya.

All's well here in the Deep South


Re: hey

Posted: Mar 1st, '13, 22:12
by MarkS
Nice to see you back! Your work still makes me shake my head and stare. Love the coffee cup stains.

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 2nd, '13, 21:15
by jspiezio
Randall- I was judging a Speech/Debate tournament today and there was a young man named August Rosenthal, he happened to look a bit like your pictures as well. Any relation?

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 3rd, '13, 09:16
by randall
we're ALL related.
rosenthal is basically jewish for smith or jones. about as common a name as any.
my favorite is frank "lefty" rosenthal. the real guy the movie "casino" is based on and played by de niro. and of course joe......who shot the photo of the flag raising on iwo jima.

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 3rd, '13, 23:43
by Tony Meola

Welcome back. We were getting worried about you. Glad to here it is only good things keeping you away. If you call work a good thing.

Glad to here the family is doing well.

Stay around for a while this time, you were deeply missed by all.

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 4th, '13, 08:32
by randall
thanks tony.....its like i'm living my life in reverse. played around till i was i'm working 350 days a year. i'll tell you one takes a lot less time and money to keep a stand up paddle board running than a bertram!

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 4th, '13, 11:39
by Rawleigh
Good to hear from you Randall. Sounds like success has taken over your life! It is a double edged sword! Take care my friend and make sure you save time to catch a wave or two!

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 4th, '13, 12:13
by John F.
Nice to hear from you. Where's your gallery in NYC?

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 4th, '13, 14:04
by mike ohlstein

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 4th, '13, 18:49
by randall
thanks mike.....i suggest you folks look at some of the other artists work. torrens is my favorite. his work is insane. worries...i stand up paddle almost every day for an hour and surfed on it till christmas. it's great for us "senior" surfers cause no prone guy can out paddle you for a wave no matter how strong a paddler they are. you do have to exercise restraint however and not take every wave you can get. strangely enough i like flat water paddling almost as much. i almost never see anyone else this time of year.

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 4th, '13, 22:59
by Tony Meola

Too bad all those ball players are not alive today. What would be really cool is if you could add an autograph or two. Can you imagine an autograph of Willie Mays on your work. Think if you could make one and get all the ball players to sign it. Of course the only issue is they would want their cut.

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 5th, '13, 08:34
by randall
tony...true story.

when i was 5 my good friend's dad was the dentist for the giants. we used to go to the polo grounds and sit in the dugout during batting practice. every foul pop that went straight back hit a net and rolled down into one of the dug outs. we had a zillion balls and a zillion autographs. i sat next to willie a bunch of times on the bench. of course we played ball with them and i don't have any now.

i make everything up....if i want a signature....i paint a signature.

Re: hey

Posted: Mar 5th, '13, 09:56
by Stephan
Good to hear from you and that you are well!
I really enjoy seeing your work. Wouldn't it be great to do a piece that was those shag baseballs in a box with the signatures on them!?!?
Kind regards,