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UV Brought us all together

Posted: Feb 27th, '13, 10:02
by TailhookTom
In the small world department, I was meeting with our Vice President of Government Affairs as he recently announced his retirement and some of his work will now be mine (hoping some of his salary and expense account as well). I knew he was a good old boy from Louisiana -- how can anyone named Sonny Moon not be? So, he mentioned that he used to do a lot of work in Baton Rouge, as that is where his roots are. Knowing that they were close in age, I asked if he knew UV? As I asked, did you know a good friend of mine, a lawyer by the name of Vic -- he jumped in with Vicy Roy, SON, I went to law school with that old coon ass. We swapped some stories, he knew of Vic's passing and the highlight of the day -- was when I pulled off my sweater to reveal the 2012 NorthEast Rendezvous Tee Shirt and the memorial to Uncle Vic on the sleeve.

Uncle VIc you will always be with us.


Re: UV Brought us all together

Posted: Feb 27th, '13, 12:11
by mike ohlstein

Re: UV Brought us all together

Posted: Feb 27th, '13, 12:27
by Tommy
Thanks for sharing, Tom. Yep, Vic was mighty special to all of us here on the Board. Thanks again Capt. Patrick for making all this happen.

Re: UV Brought us all together

Posted: Feb 27th, '13, 19:19
by MarkS
Neat stuff Tom!

Re: UV Brought us all together

Posted: Feb 28th, '13, 15:11
by Carl
It's a small world...

Re: UV Brought us all together

Posted: Feb 28th, '13, 18:45
by Bob H.
That it is Carl...The power of the sandbox...great post Tom...