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My official Steyr fuel burn

Posted: Jan 1st, '07, 15:51
by Kevin
Well, here it is. I used the GPS to log 126 miles of cruising. That started at the dock when I fired the engines and included all idle times. This was not all one trip. Probably between 6-8 trips around Marathon area. Basically if the engines were running the GPS was recording whether sitting still or WOT. When I hit the fuel pumps today she took 63.5 gallons untill full. Yes I am sure it was full because the vent told me so. I guess 1.98 Nmpg is not too bad. I am sure I can easily achieve greater than 2 since the engines are closer to broken in now with still only 40 hours. Still nailing the throttle frequently because......I can.

Posted: Jan 1st, '07, 15:56
by Brewster Minton
Wow thats cool!!