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Black Sole Marks on Nautilex deck

Posted: Jul 14th, '06, 23:02
by Harv
This offseason was brutal on my nautilex deck. Either the yard guys, or myself managed to leave a large amount of black streaks on the deck. It's probably still original factory nautilex but I'd like to get it clean. I've tried black streak remover, Wesley's Bleech-white and scotchbrite pads to no avail. Anyone have a potion that might do the trick?
Oh P.O.P., where are you?

Posted: Jul 14th, '06, 23:42
by CaptPatrick

Very gingerly try lacquer thinner on a clean white cotton cloth, followed by denatured alcohol on another cloth. I used to use this technique to clean vinyl bolsters when nothing else would touch the stain or mark.



Posted: Jul 15th, '06, 00:14
by Rocket
Okay, I fell stupid posing this but... I have little kids, they destroy eveything (except one's spirit) and Mr. Clean Magic eraser is quite something else. I have not tried it in a Marine application. I am not expecting royalties if it works,


Posted: Jul 15th, '06, 05:52
by Charlie J
try some crazy clean

Posted: Jul 15th, '06, 06:31
by RussP
Barkeepers Friend works wonders on black shoe marks. Rember to use a good boat soap after useing it because the pores of the deck will be open and ready to accept more dirt.