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Hampton Jitney NY Boat Show service
Posted: Dec 30th, '12, 11:24
by In Memory Walter K
For those of you who live on Eastern LI: I was just made aware that on Saturday, January 5th, the Hampton Jitney will be making a special package to and from the boat show, including the entry ticket for $55. If you were planning to go to the show and can get to a Jitney stop, this is a great deal. For reservations call 631-283-4600.
Re: Hampton Jitney NY Boat Show service
Posted: Dec 30th, '12, 15:35
by Charlie J
that is a good deal walter
Re: Hampton Jitney NY Boat Show service
Posted: Jan 6th, '13, 19:00
by bob lico
I went to the show today and Katie and Cindy from oakdale Yacth said a few people were looking for me as per orders tell them you don't know me .sorry for the cold shoulder to my Bertram brothers it was meant to be directed to the boat wana a bee 's after hurricane sandy.