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crack in bow

Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 21:59
by raybelanger
Hauled the boat last week & found crack in bow below water line. crack apears to be about 2 feet long right along centerline from just below waterline. planning on grinding open soon to see if just cosmetic or goes deep. Can i just epoxy the surface or should I grind thru gel coat & reglass & fair in. thanks for comments Ray

Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 22:13
by CaptPatrick

If the crack is just cosmetic, (gelcoat), an epoxy fairing will be all that's necessary. If it actually penetrates into the fiberglass, you'll need to grind out the fracture and re-glass using epoxy. It's most likely that it's just cosmetic...



Posted: Dec 29th, '06, 09:11
by craig mac
i have seen a half dozen hulls with this crack-a hairline crack that runs down the bow---all were cosmetic----gel coat is probably just too thick there.---I have also seen the the crack appear on the transom---seems to be the mold seperation line.