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express link

Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 09:10
by thuddddddd
here's the start of the project

Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 09:38
by Dug
Pretty cool my man, I did like that express look with the hard top. Bahia mar style!

But she will be slick. Maybe. Though I can play on that word slick if you don't repower!


start of a new flower planter

Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 10:09
by offshore31
that very last picture (the blue one) is the best looking pic of that tubb i've ever seen.


Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 10:17
by thuddddddd
the little one (boat) is the best use of mikes 20 that we could find. dumpster for the tubbbbbbb.
When you coming to help? Got a laborer over there today to pressure wash it.

41 Hatt. Express

Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 10:24
by ScottD
Lookin good Tim, I am a little disappointed you didn't give us any inside floor shots though. If you can do without the side port holes, it will look nicer, they really date the hull. In the end it's going to be nice, damn sure is a big boat, no wonder you think a 31 is a RLDT!


Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 10:24
by offshore31
you and the prof down there this week? i've gotta work all week but will try and come down this weekend and will bring cutting tools. no need for you to be around. i'm sure i can figure out what needs to go.

Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 10:35
by dougl33
It looks like its already doing 17 knots!

Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 12:51
by CMP
I have some interior post-destruction pics that I'll get to the web builder as soon as I know who he is. Progress is being made, rldt'ers. Be afraid, be very afraid...


Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 13:59
by Capt.Frank
When are we going to see pic's of the B25 CC project?


Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 14:10
by CMP
I'm working on it Frank. When I get a little farther along, I'll assemble the pics I have and set up a site. Now, back to the Tubb...


Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 16:13
by Bruce
Ya know with the right plastic surgeon you can make a 70 year old women look young, but without a good power plant, ya can't drive her.

What are you putting in for power?

Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 18:26
by scot
Cool Timmy, I would guess 1800-2500hp would push that boat. But if it's stability at sea your after then your on the right track.
Keep up the good work and keep the pix coming.

Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 18:55
by neil
timmy jr and i saw your pics and we are both wondering if you are serious or if you are half way to putting the whole thing in the dumpster.let us know


Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 19:44
by thuddddddd
Yea scott, the port holes are getting covered. Nothing left of the insidenow, but I'll get some pic's to Cmp. Scot figured a set of 1000hp mangernades would go just nice.
Neil, tell capt jr to play nice......


Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 20:03
by thuddddddd
and the old little vents are going away in favor of new style big single vents ala slane marine.

I do have a line on a set of motors but I'm keeping it a big old suprise for now. If I can make it happen the tubb is gonna get up and go. heck it might even hit 18knts...........

Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 21:06
by scot
The Slane Marine project is definately cool....make yours like that boat Timmy.

Might I suggest a power option; 12V92's or 16V92's. Hundreds of them around on the Gulf Coast, used by crew boats etc. Easy to rebuild, wet liner monsters....lot's of GO for the Tub.

Posted: Dec 27th, '06, 21:38
by Mikey
I take back all the bad words about Hatttttttterassssss. That's pretty cool. Now I have to think up new ones.


Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 08:18
by thuddddddd
Scot, I only need mid 300hp to 400hp to make the tubb cruise at mid to upper 20knts, according to Slane who has done a few of these(as convertables) The proff and I have a friend who had the same boat with 400hp 6bc's and it cruised at 26-27 WOT was 30. I'm getting rid of at least 5,000 lbs and decreasing the drag, so mid 300ish is what I want 400hp at the max. Keep the motor weight down and the fuel use down as well.
Mikey just saw pic of the cicle, nice.

Tubb power

Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 09:32
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Timmy is right on track with his power needs. I've spent some time in the engine room of a 41 Hatt with 8V71's, and getting to the outboard side is a bitch. 12V's or 16V's would not fit, and would probably sink the boat - unless it was converted to a single engine tubb. If it had come to Timmy with 8V53's instead of 6V53's, he might not need a repower to get the performance he needs - but the one I ran with 871 naturals was slow. It had previously been powered with some high hp Iveco's, and was supposed to have been pretty fast then. I think that was before the drug runners ran it up on a beach in Florida and abandonded it.

Slane has caused a rebirth of the old Hatts, just as folks like Capt. Pat have helped the rebirth of the B31. The old boats are better built than new ones, and have more character. Now we can power them to perform much better. Timmy's Tubb should be a helluva boat when he finishes.

Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 09:39
by John F.
I like it alot. The Slane conversions look great. Go get 'em.

John F.


Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 09:55
by thuddddddd
Thanks to everyone. got lots of work to go. once I get the line drawings for what CMP and I are planning I'll get them posted so I can get some feedback, regarding practicality. Lots of different xpress bridge layouts being made and I'd like to do this just this once

Re: stuff

Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 12:13
by dougl33
thuddddddd wrote:Lots of different xpress bridge layouts being made and I'd like to do this just this once
If that's the case, why don't you throw the thing in the dumpster and get a 38 Special!

Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 13:27
by TailhookTom

The "tubb" looks pretty nice -- doesn't look like what I expected based on all of the "friendly" comments. Anyhow, if you are looking to keep weight down, I took a ton -- literally out of my boat by getting rid of all the plywood and wood and replacing it with core cell. Raised the chine 3 inches in the stern by getting the old plywood cockpit and wooden supports out of the boat.

If you are interested, I have pictures I can email you.


Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 14:33
by In Memory of Vicroy
Timmy - my late Momma taught me if you can't say something nice, don't say anything.

Bye now.


Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 14:41
by scot
Well I guess if you guys say that 600hp total will move that mountain of fiberglass at 25 knots than it must be so. I never claimed to be an expert on "semi-displacement" hulls and haven't done any home work on a project of that magnitude.

Go Timmy Go.

Hatt. Express

Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 15:17
by ScottD
Scot, that's a planning hull.

Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 15:32
by daydreams
Hi thuddddddd, The boat looks great. Have fun, I hope it turns out the way you want. I just installed a [used] 4,000lb davitt to swing engines into my boats. I thought it was great. Until I saw your engine hoist. Good luck.

Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 15:48
by scot

I inserted that comment as a joke, however if you look at the pictures of the boat running I'm not sure that the boat qualified as a full planning hull. Actually it more than likely should be considered a "semi-planning" hull.

This observation would be based on the fact that the bow really never leaves the water, but rather "slices, or cuts" the water right up front at the breast hook. A full planning hull will "break" the water considerably farther aft, most at around 3/4 boat length.

This could be a nice topic for some debate? Any Naval architects out there?

Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 15:54
by scot
Take a look at the bow wake..what do you guy's think? ... _above.jpg


Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 16:12
by thuddddddd
Scot, what do I think? that it's moving a hell of a lot faster than the tubbbbb ever has.

Doug, if the woman thats paying to keep me, made as much as the woman that, for whatever reason, is paying to keep you made, it would be the fist thing I did.


Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 16:17
by dougl33
I hear ya. God bless being a kept man!


Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 16:25
by Tom
Timmy, I like the side vents although Slane is proud of them. He's helped me a little on my boat, very generous with his time. I have found him to be not as helpful on prop selection. No fault of his own as no one has been able to nail it. We were never able to get it right with our CAT's. The Cummins' are an unkown as they aren't in yet. We are getting close on dropping them in and propping, perhaps as early as next week.

Other than Vic, looks like some of the RLDT's have had a change of heart about the Tubb.-T

The windows

Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 17:16
by Hyena Love
I kinda like the windows. Gives it that cool styling feel of the '60's. An old school thing. Thus, I would keep them.


Posted: Dec 28th, '06, 17:51
by thuddddddd
Hyena boy, to many leaks otherwise I had thought about it.
would have been 1 less thing to worry about.

Tom , got a set of molds for a very simalar vent set up , the ones Mike and my buddy made. You need a set of vents and dorado boxes let me know, I'll make them up.

Posted: Dec 29th, '06, 10:21
by Garry

Good to see that you have jumped into the deep end. I hope she turns out the just the way you want. I spoke with a guy at Port Eads a few years back who was running 6BT 300 Cummins in his 41 Hatt and getting a 24 knot cruise. You should be able to do even better removing the weight of the flybridge although adding a tower will likely scrub the gains.
Keep us posted on your progress and best of luck.



Posted: Dec 29th, '06, 10:40
by thuddddddd
garry, got you listed as a crew member for the berrt -hatt shoot out, on team tubbbbbbbbb

Posted: Jan 17th, '07, 07:21
by thuddddddd

Posted: Jan 17th, '07, 08:28
by Terry Frank
Leave the motors out and fill the compartment with ice and beer.

Posted: Jan 17th, '07, 13:06
by Dug
Holy shit!

You guys have totally busted loose!

Wow Tim. Significant!


Posted: Jan 17th, '07, 13:35
by neil
timmy is going to need a ride to montauk 07 and maybe even 08 maybe ric can pick you up good luck timmy wait until jr sees those pictures iam sure he will have a few comments neil

Posted: Jan 17th, '07, 13:56
by scot

I believed "MY" projects were extensive....but I've never taken on anything of that magnitude. It's more like restoring a gym than a boat. That baby is in the Ark category.

Posted: Jan 17th, '07, 14:12
by CMP
You just stay the course Timmy and know that the look on the faces of those doubters who ridicule you will be well worth the tear-soaked pillows on which you're crying yourself to sleep due to their insensitivity. Now, get back to work...


Posted: Jan 17th, '07, 14:23
by John F.

I'm speechless--lookin' forward to the finished project whenever that may be.

John F.

Posted: Jan 17th, '07, 14:47
by neil
timmy scrap the tower idea,that is long way to go thuddddddddddddd

Posted: Jan 18th, '07, 07:53
by offshore31
I think Terry Frank has the right idea.

Tim, between Ric and me, we'll be able to tow the tubb down and back to montauk.

CMP, Tim's slacking off. you need to get cracking the whip on that boy.

Posted: Jan 18th, '07, 18:31
by thuddddddd
that baby gonna be a rocket ship..............
very real chance it will be at neils thingy 07. just not all dolled up.
if you don't have time, money or pataince, use convict labor

Posted: Jan 18th, '07, 18:56
by neil
timmy what is your connection to the convicts? mexicans are more honest,mount gay will be a sponsor in montauk .next i will work on jose quervo regards neil

Posted: Jan 18th, '07, 19:39
by mike ohlstein
mount gay will be a sponsor in montauk

Randall's going to be happy to see this......

Posted: Jan 18th, '07, 22:07
by randall
35 years.1-2 shots a day...(cept cuban when i can get it) i be there poster boy for sure

Posted: Jan 19th, '07, 16:00
by neil
randall dock your boat next to me in montauk because i will be holding the mount gay last year they gave us 120 minis,this year im pushing for 240