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PEI Bluefin

Posted: Sep 25th, '12, 20:16
by CHolgerson
I recently fished 4 days in Prince edward island canada for giant bluefin tuna. I had a great trip releasing 5 giants. The smallest fish was 114 inches and was estimated at 700 lbs. The biggest was estimated at 1000 lbs. I fought the big one stand up on a 80w 2 speed reel for 1 hour and 20 min. The drag at the end of the fight was almost 70 lbs. I was able to swim with the fish while we feed them on the last day and it was absolutely insane. I would highly recommend this trip for anybody who is a member of anglers anonymous like myself. I will try and upload a couple of photos and maybe a video if I can figure out how to edit my gopro footage.


Re: PEI Bluefin

Posted: Sep 27th, '12, 07:44
by Buju
Sounds incredible Chris.
I know I'd sure like to see 'em in their element... Please post the vid, or a link, anything.

Re: PEI Bluefin

Posted: Sep 27th, '12, 19:09
by Bob H.
Love to see the underwater only a few break the surface..imagine a pack of 1000Lbers feeding...lucky man...BH

Re: Prince Edward Island,,Giant Bluefin Tuna Feeding, North

Posted: Sep 27th, '12, 19:37
by CaptPatrick

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Re: PEI Bluefin

Posted: Sep 28th, '12, 15:14
by CapnTony
Makes want to go tuna WISHING
Capn Tony

Re: PEI Bluefin

Posted: Sep 28th, '12, 16:48
by Charlie J
nice trip chris

Re: PEI Bluefin

Posted: Sep 28th, '12, 18:02
by Capt.Frank
Very Nice chris. Thats on my bucket list.