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Captain's bad decision?

Posted: Aug 21st, '12, 17:09
by Hueso

This occurred in Puerto Rico a couple of weeks ago. Many theories floating around. Some say it was the anchor line, others a broken strainer; etc.

What do you think?

Re: Captain's bad decision?

Posted: Aug 21st, '12, 17:37
by my other east
looks like alcohol might of been does happen...

Re: Captain's bad decision?

Posted: Aug 21st, '12, 18:40
by Bruce
Water in the bilge and beer in the stomach looks like.

Re: Captain's bad decision?

Posted: Aug 21st, '12, 21:34
by mike ohlstein
I'm not sure that diving toward the lower units was the best idea, but that's just me......

Re: Captain's bad decision?

Posted: Aug 21st, '12, 21:45
by Buju
Pretty sure there wasn't a single good idea excercised on that vessel before, during, or after that occured.
At least one person went to the bow to offset the bilge weight, would'a been good to get the others asses up there before trying to get the hull on plane?.!. Trying to plane just shifts all that agua to the rear, then turning it like he did further shifts the thousands of lbs port to strboard, and caused her to roll.

What would ya'll do?
I'd turn on the bilge pumps, get 5 or 6 folks on the bow, and idle in to temp. beach her...

Re: Captain's bad decision?

Posted: Aug 21st, '12, 21:47
by Morning Wood
I had trouble concentrating after the striped bikini.

Re: Captain's bad decision?

Posted: Aug 22nd, '12, 10:11
by CamB25
ya...I saw nothing wrong with the stripes, but the camera work needs improvement...moved out of frame!

I vote for a missing bottom plug, combined with a malfunctioning bilge pump. Lively sound track, though!

Re: Captain's bad decision?

Posted: Aug 22nd, '12, 12:25
by Hueso
For those of you who saw the white and orange are real men!

What would I have done........shut the engines, everybody overboard and beach it. Find water income and fix if possible. Alcohol does not help you think fast.

Last theory of what happened was a broken plastic through hull and a malfunctioning bilge pump.

What about the dog and the damn loud music?

Re: Captain's bad decision?

Posted: Aug 22nd, '12, 12:49
by Carl
Should be EZ enough to check if thru hull or strainer is cracked n broken.

What would I have done, if I was there...stayed focused on the Bikini...also a few second intro as the bikini does not come into frame unless I stop and rewind completely.

Kind of thought the guy in Bow had the right moves...being up front, walking over the side as she capsized...I thought so right up to the point he walked to the stern and dove in over the running motors....

Yeah a move towards the beach would have given different results in my opinion....lose a few lardies along the way would not have been a bad idea.

Re: Captain's bad decision?

Posted: Aug 22nd, '12, 13:26
by Tommy
I can't get the video link to play.....what am I doing wrong?

Re: Captain's bad decision?

Posted: Aug 22nd, '12, 22:19
by Tony Meola
Someone should have told the Camera guy, a little more to the right and step back so we can get a full view.

I vote for the transome plug falling out. Can you imagine trying to get that thing to move with all that weight in her. Gas her so the stern squats a little more.

Re: Captain's bad decision?

Posted: Aug 23rd, '12, 08:55
by Tommy
Got it now. Yeah, drag her to shallow water and beach her at that point. She had to have taken on a lot of water before any corrective action was taken. I guess some boaters don't check their bilges when they are at anchor (or pay attention to the waterline of others boats).

Re: Captain's bad decision?

Posted: Aug 24th, '12, 11:05
by Rawleigh
Tommy: I thought you were talking about the striped bikini for the first few lines!! LOL! I agree, go to shore!! Tilting the motors down might have helped, but still wouldn't save it.