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Ocracoke Island Fishing?

Posted: Jun 9th, '12, 08:46
by Marshall Mahoney
I'm leaving for a family vacation to Ocracoke Island next Friday and plan to do some wade fishing while the wife is visiting with relatives. I've never been there before and was wondering if anyone had any pointers?


Posted: Jun 9th, '12, 08:53
by randall
take a surfboard.......great spot.

Posted: Jun 9th, '12, 23:16
by Tommy

I just got back from there (I have family there) and like Randall said, it is a neat place. The surf fishing is usually outstanding, but the Park Service and US Fish & Wildlife have closed much of the beach to 4WD traffic due to nesting birds and turtles. Shoot me an email with your phone # and I'll give you a call and a fishing report update.


Posted: Jun 10th, '12, 14:02
by Marshall Mahoney
I have a high center of gravity issue with surfing (however, I have a sailboard hanging in my garage to make me feel young).

Tommy -- thanks for the inside track. I just sent you an e-mail.


Posted: Jun 10th, '12, 21:44
by Tommy
Will call you on Monday....

Posted: Jun 11th, '12, 19:16
by Capt.Frank
Marshall give me a call if you come back threw Nags Head. I'll buy ya cold one and show ya'll around if I can.


Posted: Jun 11th, '12, 19:28
by wlbsr
As of a week ago lots of dolphin offshore and moving closer. talk to the guys on the charter boats at smacknalley's. talk to steve wilson at smacknalley's about inshore fishing... tons of blues and spanish and a cobia or two just off the beach. the buoys marking the inlet are pretty much where they need to be this year but i would still take it slow or follow someone out or in for the first time since you will still see some 5 ft water in the middle of the channel. hope that helps. let me know if you need any more specific info. Bill

Posted: Jun 11th, '12, 19:30
by wlbsr
sorry missed the "wade" part.

Posted: Jun 12th, '12, 16:12
by Tommy

Good to speak with you today. My brother, Eddy, is looking forward to your call, and said you are welcome to go out with him when he goes out fishing on the skiff (a 22' Bayrider) Saturday. Don't let him outfish you!


Posted: Jun 12th, '12, 17:13
by Marshall Mahoney
Thanks for the scoop. The wife's family reuninons aren't so bad as long as I don't have to hang around and get to go fishing!
Bill -- always glad to get an offshore report, weather I'm going offshore or not... I haven't made it out for tuna here lately, but the snapper have been unreal. I'm bummed I that I'm missing 2 weekends of the ridiculously short season. Hope I can make it up at Ocracoke.
