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Welcome back!

Posted: Jun 5th, '12, 09:06
by MarkS
Nice to have you back Patrick!

Posted: Jun 5th, '12, 09:41
by Charlie J
yes i was going thru withdrawl

Posted: Jun 5th, '12, 10:12
by Rawleigh
Me too!!!

Posted: Jun 5th, '12, 10:16
by Capt.Frank
Me too.

Posted: Jun 5th, '12, 10:17
by CaptPatrick
Mark and all others who have emailed and called,

The past 3 1/2 days have been exasperating to say the least, but hopefully we've seen the end of this episode...

This morning I finally got the response I was looking for back on Saturday morning:
From: "Brent Stock" <bstock>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:11.0) Gecko/20120412 Thunderbird/11.0.1
To: "Capt Patrick McCrary" <bertram31>
Subject: Re:

Hi Patrick,

I actually just got a chance to see your emails, and to address this. Was out with a bad flu these last few days.

They are working on this for you. Because the database is an older version (which your coding requires to run on) - there was a security hole that has caused this to be happening. They are trying to patch it, while still keeping it compatible with the version you require.

I can tell you that they are not sitting on this, they are working on it as I am writing this email to you. We will stay on this.

The phones were out this weekend because of a bad electrical storm on Friday night, and it took out some servers on the office network (even with surge protection)... but the Network Center servers were OK from their more advanced/ expensive protection.


Internet Connection, Inc.
To top it all off, I had to report for jury duty at 8:30 Monday morning, but was lucky enough to be so far down the list that that I didn't get picked. Still close to 4 hours of non-productive time spent...

Sorry for all the aggravation and inconvenience!

Best regards,


Posted: Jun 5th, '12, 10:22
by PeterPalmieri
Thanks Patrick. I'll take this episode as a long moment of silence for UV.

Posted: Jun 5th, '12, 10:34
by Carl
It is nice to be back.

If the sandbox didn't run flawlessly 99.9% of the time it wouldn't be a big deal to see a glitch.


Posted: Jun 5th, '12, 10:39
by IRGuy
So glad you are back online!

I was so desperate for boat news the past few days that I actually spend 4 hours online on The Hull Truth!


Posted: Jun 5th, '12, 11:24
by Bruce
Sounds to me they want the bb script upgraded other wise future outages will be dragged out also.

Posted: Jun 5th, '12, 18:34
by Bob H.
Knew youd get to the bottom of it...Thanks Capt. Pat...

Posted: Jun 5th, '12, 18:40
by Capn' Tony

Posted: Jun 5th, '12, 19:58
by Harry Babb
For a few days I thought is was just my connection......

Thanks for fixing the problem Captian.

Jo Ann was beginning to get a little suspicious.......I was turning the computer off early in the evenings and actually talking to her.......LOL.


Posted: Jun 6th, '12, 07:14
by John F.
Capt. Pat-

If you're still using a service near here--I think you mentioned Easton, MD, once (about 30 minutes from here), I can vouch for the storms Friday pm.


Posted: Jun 6th, '12, 09:28
by MarkS
Harry thats funny! The wife saw me twiddling my thumbs and fidgeting like a whore in church and suggested I go out to the garge and break something.........

Posted: Jun 6th, '12, 22:09
by Harry Babb

We had one heck of a lightening storm this afternoon. Jo Ann immediately unplugged my laptop so that it would not get damaged by a lightening strike.

She tells me that the thought of another few days without my "Social Life" on Bertram 31 was simply more than she could possibly bare.....

I keep a spare Kindle on the shelf......just in case hers bits the dust....


Posted: Jun 7th, '12, 17:17
by Bob H.
Harry, Sounds like Miss Joanne is your "enabler" when it comes to your Bertram addiction...time for an intervention...Mystic...Brewsters boat...and a cold shot of patron should fix you right up...good woman you got there....BH