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Jose Wejebe

Posted: Apr 9th, '12, 15:49
by PeterPalmieri
Not sure you guys heard but he died in a plane crash over the weekend.

As a fly fisherman I was a big fan of the Spanish fly, he will be missed.

Posted: Apr 9th, '12, 17:36
by In Memory Walter K
That's terribly sad. Do you know if he was on a filming trip? I too always enjoyed his show when I saw it.

Posted: Apr 9th, '12, 17:41
by Pete Fallon
Sad day for a great fisherman, I knew him from tournements in south Florida back in the late 1980's. He was a true gentleman. RIP Jose.

Posted: Apr 9th, '12, 17:42
by Capt.Frank
Walter what I heard on Friday that he was flying his plane and crashed. He was the only one on the plane. He will be missed for sure.

Posted: Apr 9th, '12, 19:25
by Bob H.
Watched him often, this weekend Jose and a good buddy poled around some back ponds and ditches aound merrit island catching reds on chunks of bait, back to the basics so to speak...sad news indeed...a true fisherman...BH

Posted: Apr 9th, '12, 19:47
by wmachovina
Talked to a float plane guy out of Key West Saturday at the fbo in MIA. Apparently on a floatplane going to Everglades City to do some tv production work. Does anyone know if his Dad started the series, Chico Fernandez? Used to fly with his wife at the old gig. Sad day, fair winds...

Posted: Apr 10th, '12, 07:57
by Diego
Great person, fisherman and ambassador to the world of fishing. Our prayers to his family and friends.


Posted: Apr 10th, '12, 21:12
by MarkS
That sucks! I think the first time I saw him was back when The Walkers Cay Cronicals" first was on the tube and Flip Pallot was fishing with him. Shortly after that he had is own show.

I think it was tarpon in the Keys that he stripped to his skivies and dove in with rod and reel to avoid getting tangled in the pilings for a client he was fishing.

Great TV!


Posted: Apr 10th, '12, 22:55
by nestorpr
That was a great loss for the sport, his was one of the best fishing shows on TV and will be sorely missed. Perhaps he'll hook up with my brother in heaven and have some great fly fishing trips together, RIP.