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Good day in the DEEP SOUTH

Posted: Apr 1st, '12, 20:45
by Harry Babb
Well today I went to the river for a while. My daughter and her family was there in their new 2008 Sea Hunt towing my Zodiac.

After a while I left and went back to the shop and worked on DeNada for a while.

To end the day Jo Ann and I sat on the Gazebo....I sipped on JD while she had a wine or two. When the coals got right I put two T-Bones on the grill.
A few minutes later we feasted on T-Bones, Salad and Ford Hook Butter Beans..........and are you ready for this......all for less than 20 Bucks.....she is a good shopper and I am a good cook.

Spring has sprung and is in full swing here in the DEEP SOUTH.


Posted: Apr 1st, '12, 21:39
by Brewster Minton
Awsome! That felt good up here.

Posted: Apr 1st, '12, 22:27
by BCBertie
Sounds like heaven...

I miss the South.

Glad you have it to enjoy, Harry.

Posted: Apr 2nd, '12, 05:22
by Carl
It's days like that that when you know it's all worth it...

Thanks for sharing.


Posted: Apr 2nd, '12, 05:29
by Morning Wood
Uuuuuummmmmm Goooooood Aunt Bee.

Posted: Apr 2nd, '12, 10:03
by In Memory of Vicroy
Having been to your little Fish River paradise Harry, I can visualize it too. Its been a very, very warm winter and spring here in the Deep South. Me & the Bride did about the same thing Sat. nite on our deck over the boathouse at the camp....sipping martinis and eating chips & dip, just watching the world go by, and our hunningbirds buzz us - many of them never migrated this winter, had them around all winter.

I made us a pizza using a pre-made one from Whole Paycheck jazzed up with extra sliced Cabrini mushrooms, Black Forest ham, fresh leaf spinach, anchovies, sliced Mt. Athos green olives, a super duper olive mix from the Progress Grocery in New Orleans, and FIVE (5) kinds of cheese. Pour some extra virgin olive oil on it, then stick it in a 400 degree oven for about 30 minutes till the crust is real crispy and devour it on the deck with a cold Corona. Its been in the mid 80s every day here for a month but there was a nice breeze and the skeeters don't come out til its pitch dark.


Posted: Apr 2nd, '12, 22:01
by Harry Babb
And tonight, Spring is further reinforced here with a Lightening and Thunder storm......first time I have heard thunder this year.

Spring is very very early this year.


Posted: Apr 3rd, '12, 08:39
by randall
i keep thinking its absurd here...been on the water all winter but then i talk to my son in minnesota. its been in the high 70's with a few trips into the 80's for the last month. it snowed once all winter.

that sounds great harry....carens in florida so i thawed out some frozen home made turkey chili (chili mix courtesy of Dr Matt) and nuked it.

your's sounds a lot lot better!

Posted: Apr 3rd, '12, 11:47
by AndreF
We have hummers already too. I hope it's not a bad omen for hurricane season........the insurance industry is acting like it will be a bad year. Forecasters have been quiet too.

Posted: Apr 3rd, '12, 14:23
by Harry Babb
Andre wrote: hope it's not a bad omen for hurricane season
Hush yo mouth! ! ! !

That's been on my mind all winter......we needed much more cold weather to cool off the Gulf.....


Posted: Apr 3rd, '12, 16:00
by Bruce
Anytime the insurance industry gets nervous, our rates go up.

My vegetables are growing incredible this year due to the warm weather along with the banana trees.

Posted: Apr 3rd, '12, 18:38
by Bob H.
A perfect day indeed...nothin better than fish river JD, good food and Harry n Miss mount my drinkin chair yet???BH