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looney weather

Posted: Mar 19th, '12, 14:39
by randall
ok...this is getting a little weird. flowers up in the yard....and a fun kayak fish today. no hat, no gloves, T SHIRT. if it wasn't for a stiff breeze coming off the ocean it would have been summer hot. as it was, its mid 70's in mid march. saw an osprey.....earliest ever by far. saw a clammer raking in board shirt..

i thought this was pretty cool till my son called from st paul minn. he rode over 20 miles on his mountain was 80!!

spring starts tomorrow?

Posted: Mar 19th, '12, 14:56
by Charlie J
ill take it, worked on the boat for the past 3 days cant complain

Posted: Mar 19th, '12, 16:53
by randall
oh...complaining wasn't part of the equation. remember when everyone freaked out cause it snowed in october?